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/** * Calc script for RuneScape Wiki *  * MAIN SCRIPT * * DUPLICATE TO * * make sure to update the hiscores URL for OSRS *  * This script exposes the following hooks, accessible via `mw.hook`: *     1. 'rscalc.setupComplete' - Fires when all calculator forms have been added to the DOM. *     2. 'rscalc.submit' - Fires when a calculator form has been submitted and the result has *                          been added to the DOM. * For instructions on how to use `mw.hook`, see <!/api/mw.hook> * * @see Documentation <> * @see Tests <> * * @license GLPv3 <> * * @author Quarenon * @author TehKittyCat * @author Joeytje50 * @author Cook Me Plox * @author Gaz Lloyd * @author Cqm * @author Elessar2 * * @todo Whitelist domains for href attributes when sanitising HTML? * @todo if we get cross-wiki imports, add a way to change hiscores URL *//*jshint bitwise:true, browser:true, camelcase:true, curly:true, devel:false,         eqeqeq:true, es3:false, forin:true, immed:true, jquery:true,         latedef:true, newcap:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, nonew:true,         onevar:false, plusplus:false, quotmark:single, undef:true, unused:true,         strict:true, trailing:true*//*global mediaWiki, mw, rswiki, rs, OO */'use strict';    /**     * Prefix of localStorage key for calc data. This is prepended to the form ID     * localStorage name for autosubmit setting     */var calcstorage = 'rsw-calcsdata',    calcautostorage = 'rsw-calcsdata-allautosub',    /**     * Caching for search suggestions     *     * @todo implement caching for mw.TitleInputWidget accroding to!/api/mw.widgets.TitleWidget-cfg-cache     */    cache = {},    /**     * Internal variable to store references to each calculator on the page.     */    calcStore = {},    /**     * Private helper methods for `Calc`     *     * Most methods here are called with ``     * and are passed an instance of `Calc` to access it's prototype     */    helper = {        /**         * Add/change functionality of mw/OO.ui classes         * Added support for multiple namespaces to mw.widgets.TitleInputWidget         */        initClasses: function () {            var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;            /**             * Get option widgets from the server response             * Changed to add support for multiple namespaces             *              * @param {Object} data Query result             * @return {OO.ui.OptionWidget[]} Menu items             */            mw.widgets.TitleInputWidget.prototype.getOptionsFromData = function (data) {                var i, len, index, pageExists, pageExistsExact, suggestionPage, page, redirect, redirects,                    currentPageName = new mw.Title( mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ) ).getPrefixedText(),                    items = [],                    titles = [],                    titleObj = mw.Title.newFromText( this.getQueryValue() ),                    redirectsTo = {},                    pageData = {},                    namespaces = this.namespace.split('|').map(function (val) {return parseInt(val,10);});                if ( data.redirects ) {                    for ( i = 0, len = data.redirects.length; i < len; i++ ) {                        redirect = data.redirects[ i ];                        redirectsTo[ ] = redirectsTo[ ] || [];                        redirectsTo[ ].push( redirect.from );                    }                }                for ( index in data.pages ) {                    suggestionPage = data.pages[ index ];                    // When excludeCurrentPage is set, don't list the current page unless the user has type the full title                    if ( this.excludeCurrentPage && suggestionPage.title === currentPageName && suggestionPage.title !== titleObj.getPrefixedText() ) {                        continue;                    }                    // When excludeDynamicNamespaces is set, ignore all pages with negative namespace                    if ( this.excludeDynamicNamespaces && suggestionPage.ns < 0 ) {                        continue;                    }                    pageData[ suggestionPage.title ] = {                        known: suggestionPage.known !== undefined,                        missing: suggestionPage.missing !== undefined,                        redirect: suggestionPage.redirect !== undefined,                        disambiguation: OO.getProp( suggestionPage, 'pageprops', 'disambiguation' ) !== undefined,                        imageUrl: OO.getProp( suggestionPage, 'thumbnail', 'source' ),                        description: suggestionPage.description,                        // Sort index                        index: suggestionPage.index,                        originalData: suggestionPage                    };                    // Throw away pages from wrong namespaces. This can happen when 'showRedirectTargets' is true                    // and we encounter a cross-namespace redirect.                    if ( this.namespace === null || namespaces.indexOf(suggestionPage.ns) >= 0 ) {                        titles.push( suggestionPage.title );                    }                    redirects = redirectsTo, suggestionPage.title ) ? redirectsTo[ suggestionPage.title ] : [];                    for ( i = 0, len = redirects.length; i < len; i++ ) {                        pageData[ redirects[ i ] ] = {                            missing: false,                            known: true,                            redirect: true,                            disambiguation: false,                            description: mw.msg( 'mw-widgets-titleinput-description-redirect', suggestionPage.title ),                            // Sort index, just below its target                            index: suggestionPage.index + 0.5,                            originalData: suggestionPage                        };                        titles.push( redirects[ i ] );                    }                }                titles.sort( function ( a, b ) {                    return pageData[ a ].index - pageData[ b ].index;                } );                // If not found, run value through mw.Title to avoid treating a match as a                // mismatch where normalisation would make them matching (T50476)                pageExistsExact = (           pageData, this.getQueryValue() ) &&                    (                        !pageData[ this.getQueryValue() ].missing ||                        pageData[ this.getQueryValue() ].known                    )                );                pageExists = pageExistsExact || (                    titleObj &&           pageData, titleObj.getPrefixedText() ) &&                    (                        !pageData[ titleObj.getPrefixedText() ].missing ||                        pageData[ titleObj.getPrefixedText() ].known                    )                );                if ( this.cache ) {                    this.cache.set( pageData );                }                // Offer the exact text as a suggestion if the page exists                if ( this.addQueryInput && pageExists && !pageExistsExact ) {                    titles.unshift( this.getQueryValue() );                }                for ( i = 0, len = titles.length; i < len; i++ ) {                    page = pageData, titles[ i ] ) ? pageData[ titles[ i ] ] : {};                    items.push( this.createOptionWidget( this.getOptionWidgetData( titles[ i ], page ) ) );                }                return items;            };        },        /**         * Parse the calculator configuration         *         * @param lines {Array} An array containing the calculator's configuration         * @returns {Object} An object representing the calculator's configuration         */        parseConfig: function (lines) {            var defConfig = {                    suggestns: [],                    autosubmit: 'off',                    name: 'Calculator'                },                config = {                    // this isn't in `defConfig`                    // as it'll get overridden anyway                    tParams: []                },                // used for debugging incorrect config names                validParams = [                    'form',                    'param',                    'result',                    'suggestns',                    'template',                    'module',                    'modulefunc',                    'name',                    'autosubmit'                ],                // used for debugging incorrect param types                validParamTypes = [                    'string',                    'article',                    'number',                    'int',                    'select',                    'buttonselect',                    'combobox',                    'check',                    'toggleswitch',                    'togglebutton',                    'hs',                    'rsn',                    'fixed',                    'hidden',                    'semihidden',                    'group'                ],                configError = false;            // parse the calculator's config            // @example param=arg1|arg1|arg3|arg4            lines.forEach(function (line) {                var temp = line.split('='),                    param,                    args;                // incorrect config                if (temp.length < 2) {                    return;                }                // an equals is used in one of the arguments                // @example HTML label with attributes                // so join them back together to preserve it                // this also allows support of HTML attributes in labels                if (temp.length > 2) {                    temp[1] = temp.slice(1,temp.length).join('=');                }                param = temp[0].trim().toLowerCase();                args = temp[1].trim();                if (validParams.indexOf(param) === -1) {                    // use console for easier debugging                    console.log('Unknown parameter: ' + param);                    configError = true;                    return;                }                if (param === 'suggestns') {                    config.suggestns = args.split(/\s*,\s*/);                    return;                }                if (param !== 'param') {                    config[param] = args;                    return;                }                // split args                args = args.split(/\s*\|\s*/);                // store template params in an array to make life easier                config.tParams = config.tParams || [];                if (validParamTypes.indexOf(args[3]) === -1 && args[3] !== '' && args[3] !== undefined) {                    // use console for easier debugging                    console.log('Unknown param type: ' + args[3]);                    configError = true;                    return;                }                var inlinehelp = false, help = '';                if (args[6]) {                    var tmphelp = args[6].split(/\s*=\s*/);                    if (tmphelp.length > 1) {                        if ( tmphelp[0] === 'inline' ) {                            inlinehelp = true;                            // Html etc can have = so join them back together                            tmphelp[1] = tmphelp.slice(1,tmphelp.length).join('=');                            help = helper.sanitiseLabels(tmphelp[1] || '');                        } else {                            // Html etc can have = so join them back together                            tmphelp[0] = tmphelp.join('=');                            help = helper.sanitiseLabels(tmphelp[0] || '');                        }                    } else {                        help = helper.sanitiseLabels(tmphelp[0] || '');                    }                }                config.tParams.push({                    name: mw.html.escape(args[0]),                    label: helper.sanitiseLabels(args[1] || args[0]),                    def: mw.html.escape(args[2] || ''),                    type: mw.html.escape(args[3] || ''),                    range: args[4] || '',                    rawtogs: args[5] || '',                    inlhelp: inlinehelp,                    help: help                });            });                        if (configError) {                config.configError = 'This calculator\'s config contains errors. Please report it ' +                    '<a href="/w/RuneScape:User_help" title="RuneScape:User help">here</a> ' +                    'or check the javascript console for details.';            }            config = $.extend(defConfig, config);            mw.log(config);            return config;        },        /**         * Generate a unique id for each input         *         * @param inputId {String} A string representing the id of an input         * @returns {String} A string representing the namespaced/prefixed id of an input         */        getId: function (inputId) {            return [this.form, this.result, inputId].join('-');        },        /**         * Output an error to the UI         *         * @param error {String} A string representing the error message to be output         */        showError: function (error) {            $('#' + this.result)                .empty()                .append(                    $('<strong>')                        .addClass('error')                        .text(error)                );        },        /**         * Toggle the visibility and enabled status of fields/groups         *         * @param item {String} A string representing the current value of the widget         * @param toggles {object} An object representing arrays of items to be toggled keyed by widget values         */        toggle: function (item, toggles) {            var self = this;            var togitem = function (widget, show) {                var param = self.tParams[ self.indexkeys[widget] ];                if (param.type === 'group') {                    param.ooui.toggle(show);                    param.ooui.getItems().forEach(function (child) {                        if (!!child.setDisabled) {                            child.setDisabled(!show);                        } else if (!!child.getField().setDisabled) {                            child.getField().setDisabled(!show);                        }                    });                } else if ( param.type === 'semihidden' ) {                    if (!!param.ooui.setDisabled) {                        param.ooui.setDisabled(!show);                    }                } else {                    param.layout.toggle(show);                    if (!!param.ooui.setDisabled) {                        param.ooui.setDisabled(!show);                    }                }            };            if (toggles[item]) {                toggles[item].on.forEach( function (widget) {                    togitem(widget, true);                });                toggles[item].off.forEach( function (widget) {                    togitem(widget, false);                });            } else if ( toggles.not0 && !isNaN(parseFloat(item)) && parseFloat(item) !== 0 ) {                toggles.not0.on.forEach( function (widget) {                    togitem(widget, true);                });       function (widget) {                    togitem(widget, false);                });            } else if (toggles.alltogs) {       function (widget) {                    togitem(widget, false);                });            }        },        /**         * Generate range and step for number and int inputs         *         * @param rawdata {string} The string representation of the range and steps         * @param type {string} The name of the field type (int or number)         * @returns {array} An array containing the min value, max value, step and button step.         */        genRange: function (rawdata,type) {            var tmp = rawdata.split(/\s*,\s*/),                rng = tmp[0].split(/\s*-\s*/),                step = tmp[1] || '',                bstep = tmp[2] || '',                min, max,                parseFunc;            if (type==='int') {            	parseFunc = function(x) { return parseInt(x, 10); }            } else {            	parseFunc = parseFloat;            }            if (type === 'int') {                step = 1;                if ( isNaN(parseInt(bstep,10)) ) {                    bstep = 1;                } else {                    bstep = parseInt(bstep,10);                }            } else {                if ( isNaN(parseFloat(step)) ) {                    step = 0.01;                } else {                    step = parseFloat(step);                }                if ( isNaN(parseFloat(bstep)) ) {                    bstep = 1;                } else {                    bstep = parseFloat(bstep);                }            }            // Accept negative values for either range position            if ( rng.length === 3 ) {                // 1 value is negative                if ( rng[0] === '' ) {                    // First value negative                    if ( isNaN(parseFunc(rng[1])) ) {                        min = -Infinity;                    } else {                        min = 0 - parseFunc(rng[1]);                    }                    if ( isNaN(parseFunc(rng[2])) ) {                        max = Infinity;                    } else {                        max = parseFunc(rng[2]);                    }                } else if ( rng[1] === '' ) {                    // Second value negative                    if ( isNaN(parseFunc(rng[0])) ) {                        min = -Infinity;                    } else {                        min = parseFunc(rng[0]);                    }                    if ( isNaN(parseFunc(rng[2])) ) {                        max = 0;                    } else {                        max = 0 - parseFunc(rng[2]);                    }                }            } else if ( rng.length === 4 ) {                // Both negative                if ( isNaN(parseFunc(rng[1])) ) {                    min = -Infinity;                } else {                    min = 0 - parseFunc(rng[1]);                }                if ( isNaN(parseFunc(rng[3])) ) {                    max = 0;                } else {                    max = 0 - parseFunc(rng[3]);                }            } else {                // No negatives                if ( isNaN(parseFunc(rng[0])) ) {                    min = 0;                } else {                    min = parseFunc(rng[0]);                }                if ( isNaN(parseFunc(rng[1])) ) {                    max = Infinity;                } else {                    max = parseFunc(rng[1]);                }            }            // Check min < max            if ( max < min ) {                return [ max, min, step, bstep ];            } else {                return [ min, max, step, bstep ];            }        },        /**         * Parse the toggles for an input         *         * @param rawdata {string} A string representing the toggles for the widget         * @param defkey {string} The default key for toggles         * @returns {object} An object representing the toggles in the format { ['widget value']:[ widget-to-toggle, group-to-toggle, widget-to-toggle2 ] }         */        parseToggles: function (rawdata,defkey) {            var tmptogs = rawdata.split(/\s*;\s*/),                allkeys = [], allvals = [],                toggles = {};            if (tmptogs.length > 0 && tmptogs[0].length > 0) {                tmptogs.forEach(function (tog) {                    var tmp = tog.split(/\s*=\s*/),                        keys = tmp[0],                        val = [];                    if (tmp.length < 2) {                        keys = [defkey];                        val = tmp[0].split(/\s*,\s*/);                    } else {                        keys = tmp[0].split(/\s*,\s*/);                        val = tmp[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);                    }                    if (keys.length === 1) {                        var key = keys[0];                        toggles[key] = {};                        toggles[key].on = val;                        allkeys.push(key);                    } else {                        keys.forEach( function (key) {                            toggles[key] = {};                            toggles[key].on = val;                            allkeys.push(key);                        });                    }                    allvals = allvals.concat(val);                });                allkeys = allkeys.filter(function (item, pos, arr) {                    return arr.indexOf(item) === pos;                });                allkeys.forEach(function (key) {                    toggles[key].off = allvals.filter(function (val) {                        if ( toggles[key].on.includes(val) ) {                            return false;                        } else {                            return true;                        }                    });                });                // Add all items to default                toggles.alltogs = {};       = allvals;            }            return toggles;        },        /**         * Form submission handler         */        submitForm: function () {            var self = this,                code = '{{' + self.template,                formErrors = [],                apicalls = [],                paramVals = {};                            if (self.module !== undefined) {            	if (self.modulefunc === undefined) {            		self.modulefunc = 'main';            	}//<nowiki>            	code = '{{#invoke:'+self.module+'|'+self.modulefunc;            }//</nowiki>            self.submitlayout.setNotices(['Validating fields, please wait.']);            self.submitlayout.fieldWidget.setDisabled(true);            // setup template for submission            self.tParams.forEach(function (param) {                if ( param.type === 'hidden' || (param.type !== 'group' && param.ooui.isDisabled() === false) ) {                    var val,                        $input,                        // use separate error tracking for each input                        // or every input gets flagged as an error                        error = '';                    if (param.type === 'fixed' || param.type === 'hidden') {                        val = param.def;                    } else {                        $input = $('#' +, + ' input');                        if (param.type === 'buttonselect') {                            val = param.ooui.findSelectedItem();                            if (val !== null) {                                val = val.getData();                            }                        } else {                            val = param.ooui.getValue();                        }                        if (param.type === 'int') {                            val = val.split(',').join('');                        } else if (param.type === 'check') {                            val = param.ooui.isSelected();                            if (param.range) {                                val = param.range.split(',')[val ? 0 : 1];                            }                        } else if (param.type === 'toggleswitch' || param.type === 'togglebutton') {                            if (param.range) {                                val = param.range.split(',')[val ? 0 : 1];                            }                        }                        // Check input is valid (based on widgets validation)                        if ( !!param.ooui.hasFlag && param.ooui.hasFlag('invalid') && param.type !== 'article') {                            error = param.error;                        } else if ( param.type === 'article' && param.ooui.validateTitle && val.length > 0 ) {                            var api = param.ooui.getApi(),                                prms = {                                    action: 'query',                                    prop: [],                                    titles: [ param.ooui.getValue() ]                                };                            var prom = new Promise ( function (resolve,reject) {                                api.get(prms).then( function (ret) {                                    if ( ret.query.pages && Object.keys(ret.query.pages).length ) {                                        var nspaces = param.ooui.namespace.split('|'), allNS = false;                                        if (nspaces.indexOf('*') >= 0) {                                            allNS = true;                                        }                                        nspaces = (ns) {return parseInt(ns,10);});                                        for (var pgID in ret.query.pages) {                                            if ( ret.query.pages.hasOwnProperty(pgID) && ret.query.pages[pgID].missing!== '' ) {                                                if ( allNS ) {                                                    resolve();                                                }                                                if ( ret.query.pages[pgID].ns !== undefined && nspaces.indexOf(ret.query.pages[pgID].ns) >= 0 ) {                                                    resolve();                                                }                                            }                                        }                                        reject(param);                                    } else {                                        reject(param);                                    }                                });                            });                            apicalls.push(prom);                        }                        if (error) {                            param.layout.setErrors([error]);                            if (param.ooui.setValidityFlag !== undefined) {                                param.ooui.setValidityFlag(false);                            }                            // TODO: Remove jsInvalid classes?                            $input.addClass('jcInvalid');                            formErrors.push( param.label[0].textContent + ': ' + error );                        } else {                            param.layout.setErrors([]);                            if (param.ooui.setValidityFlag !== undefined) {                                param.ooui.setValidityFlag(true);                            }                            // TODO: Remove jsInvalid classes?                            $input.removeClass('jcInvalid');                            // Save current parameter value                            paramVals[] = val;                                                        // Save current parameter value for later calculator usage.                            //window.localStorage.setItem(,, val);                        }                    }                                        code += '|' + + '=' + val;                }            });            Promise.all(apicalls).then( function (vals) {                // All article fields valid                self.submitlayout.setNotices([]);                self.submitlayout.fieldWidget.setDisabled(false);                if (formErrors.length > 0) {                    self.submitlayout.setErrors(formErrors);          , 'One or more fields contains an invalid value.');                    return;                }                self.submitlayout.setErrors([]);                // Save all values to localStorage                if (!rs.hasLocalStorage()) {                    console.warn('Browser does not support localStorage, inputs will not be saved.');                } else {                    mw.log('Saving inputs to localStorage');                    localStorage.setItem( self.localname, JSON.stringify(paramVals) );                }                code += '}}';                console.log(code);      , code);            }, function (errparam) {                // An article field is invalid                self.submitlayout.setNotices([]);                self.submitlayout.fieldWidget.setDisabled(false);                errparam.layout.setErrors([errparam.error]);                formErrors.push( errparam.label[0].textContent + ': ' + errparam.error );                self.submitlayout.setErrors(formErrors);      , 'One or more fields contains an invalid value.');                return;            });        },        /**         * Parse the template used to display the result of the form         *         * @param code {string} Wikitext to send to the API for parsing         */        loadTemplate: function (code) {            var self = this,                params = {                    action: 'parse',                    text: code,                    prop: 'text|limitreportdata',                    title: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),                    disablelimitreport: 'true',                    contentmodel: 'wikitext',                    format: 'json'                },                method = 'GET';                        // experimental support for using VE to parse calc templates            if (!!mw.util.getParamValue('vecalc')) {                params = {                    action: 'visualeditor',                    // has to be a mainspace page or VE won't work                    page: 'No page',                    paction: 'parsefragment',                    wikitext: code,                    format: 'json',                    rswcalcautosubmit: self.autosubmit                };            }            if (code.length > 1900) {            	method = 'POST';            }            $('#' + self.form + ' .jcSubmit')            	.data('oouiButton')                .setDisabled(true);                        // @todo time how long these calls take            $.ajax({method:method, url:'/api.php', data:params})                .done(function (response) {                    var html;                                        if (!!mw.util.getParamValue('vecalc')) {                        // strip body tag                        html = $(response.visualeditor.content).contents();                    } else {                        html = response.parse.text['*'];                    }                    if (response.parse.limitreportdata) {                        var logs = response.parse.limitreportdata.filter(function(e){return === 'scribunto-limitreport-logs'});                        if (logs.length>0) {                            var log_str = ['Scribunto logs:'];                            logs.forEach(function(log){                                var i = 0;                                while (log.hasOwnProperty(''+i)) {                                    log_str.push(log[''+i]);                                    i++;                                }                            });                            console.log(log_str.join('\n'));                        }                    }                              , html);                })                .fail(function (_, error) {                    $('#' + self.form + ' .jcSubmit')            			.data('oouiButton')                		.setDisabled(false);          , error);                });        },        /**         * Display the calculator result on the page         *         * @param response {String} A string representing the HTML to be added to the page         */        dispResult: function (html) {        	var self = this;            $('#' + self.form + ' .jcSubmit')            	.data('oouiButton')                .setDisabled(false);            $('#bodyContent')                .find('#' + this.result)                    .empty()                    .removeClass('jcError')                    .html(html);                        // allow scripts to hook into form submission            mw.hook('rscalc.submit').fire();			// run all standard page-init things so various JS works as expected, including:			// - sortable tables			// - collapsible sections			// - collapsed headers on mobile            mw.hook('wikipage.content').fire($('#'+this.result));            /*            mw.loader.using('jquery.tablesorter', function () {                $('table.sortable:not(.jquery-tablesorter)').tablesorter();            });            mw.loader.using('jquery.makeCollapsible', function () {                $('.mw-collapsible').makeCollapsible();            });            */            if ($('.rsw-chartjs-config').length) {    			mw.loader.load('ext.gadget.Charts-core');            }        },        /**         * Sanitise any HTML used in labels         *         * @param html {string} A HTML string to be sanitised         * @returns {jQuery.object} A jQuery object representing the sanitised HTML         */        sanitiseLabels: function (html) {            var whitelistAttrs = [                    // mainly for span/div tags                    'style',                    // for anchor tags                    'href',                    'title',                    // for img tags                    'src',                    'alt',                    'height',                    'width',                    // misc                    'class'                ],                whitelistTags = [                    'a',                    'span',                    'div',                    'img',                    'strong',                    'b',                    'em',                    'i',                    'br'                ],                // parse the HTML string, removing script tags at the same time                $html = $.parseHTML(html, /* document */ null, /* keepscripts */ false),                // append to a div so we can navigate the node tree                $div = $('<div>').append($html);            $div.find('*').each(function () {                var $this = $(this),                    tagname = $this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(),                    attrs,                    array,                    href;                if (whitelistTags.indexOf(tagname) === -1) {                    mw.log('Disallowed tagname: ' + tagname);                    $this.remove();                    return;                }                attrs = $this.prop('attributes');                array =;                array.forEach(function (attr) {                    if (whitelistAttrs.indexOf( === -1) {                        mw.log('Disallowed attribute: ' + + ', tagname: ' + tagname);                        $this.removeAttr(;                        return;                    }                    // make sure there's nasty in nothing in href attributes                    if ( === 'href') {                        href = $this.attr('href');                        if (                            // disable warnings about script URLs                            // jshint -W107                            href.indexOf('javascript:') > -1 ||                            // the mw sanitizer doesn't like these                            // so lets follow suit                            // apparently it's something microsoft dreamed up                            href.indexOf('vbscript:') > -1                            // jshint +W107                        ) {                            mw.log('Script URL detected in ' + tagname);                            $this.removeAttr('href');                        }                    }                });            });            return $div.contents();        },        /**         * Handlers for parameter input types         */        tParams: {            /**             * Handler for 'fixed' inputs             *             * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            fixed: function (param) {                var layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-fixed'],                        value: param.def                    };                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }				param.ooui = new OO.ui.LabelWidget({ label: param.def });				return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for select dropdowns             *              * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            select: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    conf = {                        label: 'Select an option',                        options: [],                        name: id,                        id: id,                        value: param.def,                        dropdown: {                        	$overlay: true                        }                    },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-select']                    },                    opts = param.range.split(/\s*,\s*/),                    def = opts[0];                param.error = 'Not a valid selection';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                opts.forEach(function (opt, i) {                    var op = { data: opt, label: opt };                    if (opt === param.def) {                        op.selected = true;                        def = opt;                    }                    conf.options.push(op);                });                param.toggles = helper.parseToggles(param.rawtogs, def);				param.ooui = new OO.ui.DropdownInputWidget(conf);                if ( Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0 ) {                    param.ooui.on('change', function (value) {              , value, param.toggles);                    });                }                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for button selects             *             * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            buttonselect: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    buttons = {},                    conf = {                        label:'Select an option',                        items: [],                        id: id                    },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-buttonselect']                    },                    opts = param.range.split(/\s*,\s*/),                    def;                param.error = 'Please select a valid option';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                opts.forEach(function (opt, i) {                    var opid = opt.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');                    var $opt = helper.sanitiseLabels(opt);                    var txt = $opt.text().trim();                    if (txt === '') {                    	txt = (i+1).toString();                    }                    buttons[opid] = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({data:txt, label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet($opt), title:txt});                    conf.items.push(buttons[opid]);                });                if (param.def.length > 0 && opts.indexOf(param.def) > -1) {                    def = param.def;                } else {                    def = opts[0];                }                param.toggles = helper.parseToggles(param.rawtogs, def);                param.ooui = new OO.ui.ButtonSelectWidget(conf);                param.ooui.selectItemByData(def);                if ( Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0 ) {                    param.ooui.on('choose', function (button) {                        var item = button.getData();              , item, param.toggles);                    });                }                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for comboboxes             *              * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            combobox: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    conf = {                        placeholder: 'Enter filter name',                        options: [],                        name: id,                        id: id,                        menu: { filterFromInput: true },                        value: param.def,                        $overlay: true                    },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-combobox']                    },                    opts = param.range.split(/\s*,\s*/),                    def = opts[0];                param.error = 'Not a valid selection';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                opts.forEach(function (opt) {                    var op = { data: opt, label: opt };                    if (opt === param.def) {                        op.selected = true;                        def = opt;                    }                    conf.options.push(op);                });                var isvalid = function (val) {return opts.indexOf(val) < 0 ? false : true;};                conf.validate = isvalid;                param.toggles = helper.parseToggles(param.rawtogs, def);				param.ooui = new OO.ui.ComboBoxInputWidget(conf);                if ( Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0 ) {                    param.ooui.on('change', function (value) {              , value, param.toggles);                    });                }                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for checkbox inputs             *              * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            check: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    conf = {                        name: id,                        id: id                    },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-check']                    };                param.toggles = helper.parseToggles(param.rawtogs, 'true');                param.error = 'Unknown error';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                if ( (param.def === 'true' || param.def === true) ||                    (param.range !== undefined && param.def === param.range.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0]) ) {                    conf.selected = true;                }				param.ooui = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget(conf);                if ( Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0 ) {                    param.ooui.on('change', function (selected) {                        if (selected) {                  , 'true', param.toggles);                        } else {                  , 'false', param.toggles);                        }                    });                }                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for toggle switch inputs             *             * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            toggleswitch: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    conf = { id: id },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-toggleswitch']                    };                param.toggles = helper.parseToggles(param.rawtogs, 'true');                param.error = 'Unknown error';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                if ( (param.def === 'true' || param.def === true) ||                    (param.range !== undefined && param.def === param.range.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0]) ) {                    conf.value = true;                }                param.ooui = new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget(conf);                if ( Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0 ) {                    param.ooui.on('change', function (selected) {                        if (selected) {                  , 'true', param.toggles);                        } else {                  , 'false', param.toggles);                        }                    });                }                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for toggle button inputs             *             * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            togglebutton: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    conf = {                        id: id,                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label)                    },                    layconf = {                        label:'',                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-togglebutton']                    };                param.toggles = helper.parseToggles(param.rawtogs, 'true');                param.error = 'Unknown error';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                if ( (param.def === 'true' || param.def === true) ||                    (param.range !== undefined && param.def === param.range.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0]) ) {                    conf.value = true;                }                param.ooui = new OO.ui.ToggleButtonWidget(conf);                if ( Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0 ) {                    param.ooui.on('change', function (selected) {                        if (selected) {                  , 'true', param.toggles);                        } else {                  , 'false', param.toggles);                        }                    });                }                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for hiscore inputs             *              * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            hs: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align:'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-hs']                    },                    lookups = {},                    range = param.range.split(';'),                    input1 = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget({type: 'text', id: id, name: id, value:param.def}),					button1 = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget({ label: 'Lookup', id: id+'-button', name:  id+'-button', classes: ['jsCalc-field-hs-lookup'], data: {param:} });                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                var layout = new OO.ui.ActionFieldLayout(input1, button1, layconf);				var lookupHS = function(event) {					var $t = $(,						lookup = self.lookups[button1.getData().param],                        // replace spaces with _ for the query                        name = $('#' + + ' input')                            .val()                            // @todo will this break for players with multiple spaces                            //       in their name? e.g. suomi's old display name                            .replace(/\s+/g, '_'),                        button = lookup.button;					button.setDisabled(true);                    $.ajax({						url: '/cors/m=hiscore_oldschool/' + name,						dataType: 'text',						async: true,						timeout: 10000 // msec					}).done(function (data) {						var hsdata;						hsdata = data.trim()							.split(/\n+/g);						lookup.params.forEach(function (param) {							var id =, param.param),								$input = $('#' + id + ' input'),								tParam = null,                                val;							self.tParams.forEach(function(p) {								if ( === param.param) {									tParam = p;								}							});							if (tParam === null) {								return;							}							if (isNaN(param.skill)) {                                val = param.skill;								//tParam.ooui.setValue(param.skill);							} else {                                val = hsdata[param.skill].split(',')[param.val];								//tParam.ooui.setValue(hsdata[param.skill].split(',')[param.val]);							}                            if (!!tParam.ooui.setValue) {                                tParam.ooui.setValue(val);                            } else if (!!tParam.ooui.selectItemByData) {                                tParam.ooui.selectItemByData(val);                            } else if (tParam.type === 'fixed') {                                tParam.ooui.setLabel(val);                            }						});											// store in localStorage for future use                        if (rs.hasLocalStorage()) {                            self.lsRSN = name;                            localStorage.setItem('rsn', name);                        }						button.setDisabled(false);                        layout.setErrors([]);					})					.fail(function (xhr, status) {						button.setDisabled(false);                        var err = 'The player "' + name + '" does not exist, is banned or unranked, or we couldn\'t fetch your hiscores. Please enter the data manually.';                        console.warn(status);                        layout.setErrors([err]);, err);					});				};									button1.$;				input1.$element.keydown(function(event){					if (event.which === 13) {						lookupHS(event);						event.preventDefault();					}				});				                // Use rsn loaded from localstorage                if (self.lsRSN) {                    input1.setValue(self.lsRSN);                }                lookups[] = {                    id: id,                    button: button1,                    params: []                };                                range.forEach(function (el) {                    // to catch empty strings                    if (!el) {                        return;                    }                    var spl = el.split(',');                    lookups[].params.push({                        param: spl[0],                        skill: spl[1],                        val: spl[2]                    });                });                // merge lookups into one object                if (!self.lookups) {                    self.lookups = lookups;                } else {                    self.lookups = $.extend(self.lookups, lookups);                }								param.ooui = input1;				param.oouiButton = button1;                return layout;            },            /**             * Handler for Runescape name inputs             *             * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            rsn: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    conf = {                        type: 'text',                        name: id,                        id: id,                        placeholder: 'Enter runescape name',                        spellcheck: false,                        maxLength: 12,                        value: param.def                    },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-string']                    };                param.error = 'Invalid runescape name: RS names must be 1-12 characters long, can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes and underscores. Names containing Mod are also not allowed.';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                // Use rsn loaded from localstorage, if available                if (self.lsRSN) {                    conf.value = self.lsRSN;                }                var validrsn = function (name) {                    if ( /[^0-9a-zA-Z\-_\s]/ ) >= 0 ) {                        return false;                    } else {                        if ( name.toLowerCase().search( /(^mod\s|\smod\s|\smod$)/ ) >= 0 ) {                            return false;                        } else {                            return true;                        }                    }                };                conf.validate = validrsn;                param.ooui = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget(conf);                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },                                    /**             * Handler for integer inputs             *              * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            int: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    rng = helper.genRange(param.range, 'int'),                    conf = {                        min:rng[0],                        max:rng[1],                        step:rng[2],                        showButtons:true,                        buttonStep:rng[3],                        allowInteger:true,                        name: id,                        id: id,                        value: param.def || 0                    },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-int']                    },                    error = 'Invalid integer. Must be between ' + rng[0] + ' and ' + rng[1];                param.toggles = helper.parseToggles(param.rawtogs, 'not0');                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                if ( rng[2] > 1 ) {                    error += ' and a muiltiple of ' + rng[2];                }                param.error = error;				param.ooui = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget(conf);                if ( Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0 ) {                    param.ooui.on('change', function (value) {              , value, param.toggles);                    });                }                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            },                        /**             * Handler for number inputs             *              * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            number: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    rng = helper.genRange(param.range, 'number'),                    conf = {                        min:rng[0],                        max:rng[1],                        step:rng[2],                        showButtons:true,                        buttonStep:rng[3],                        name:id,                        id:id,                        value:param.def || 0                    },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align: 'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-number'],                    };                param.toggles = helper.parseToggles(param.rawtogs, 'not0');                param.error = 'Invalid interger. Must be between ' + rng[0] + ' and ' + rng[1] + ' and a multiple of ' + rng[2];                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                param.ooui = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget(conf);                if ( Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0 ) {                    param.ooui.on('change', function (value) {              , value, param.toggles);                    });                }                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout( param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for article inputs             *             * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            article: function (param, id) {                var self = this,                    conf = {                        addQueryInput: false,                        excludeCurrentPage: true,                        showMissing: false,                        showDescriptions: true,                        validateTitle: true,                        relative: false,                        id: id,                        name: id,                        placeholder: 'Enter page name',                        value: param.def                    },                    layconf = {                        label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                        align:'right',                        classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-article']                    },                    validNSnumbers = { '_*':'All', '_-2':'Media', '_-1':'Special', _0:'(Main)', _1:'Talk', _2:'User', _3:'User talk', _4:'RuneScape', _5:'RuneScape talk', _6:'File', _7:'File talk', _8:'MediaWiki', _9:'MediaWiki talk', _10:'Template', _11:'Template talk',                        _12:'Help', _13:'Help talk', _14:'Category', _15:'Category talk', _100:'Update', _101:'Update talk', _110:'Forum', _111:'Forum talk', _112:'Exchange', _113:'Exchange talk', _114:'Charm', _115:'Charm talk', _116:'Calculator', _117:'Calculator talk', _118:'Map', _119:'Map talk', _828:'Module', _829:'Module talk' },                    validNSnames = { all:'*', media:-2, special:-1, main:0, '(main)':0, talk:1, user:2, 'user talk':3, runescape:4, 'runescape talk':5, file:6, 'file talk':7, mediawiki:8, 'mediawiki talk':9, template:10, 'template talk':11,                        help:12, 'help talk':13, category:14, 'category talk':15, update:100, 'update talk':101, forum:110, 'forum talk':111, exchange:112, 'exchange talk':113, charm:114, 'charm talk':115, calculator:116, 'calculator talk':117, map:118, 'map talk':119, module:828, 'module talk':829 },                    namespaces = '';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }                if (param.range && param.range.length > 0) {                    var names = param.range.split(/\s*,\s*/),                    nsnumbers = [];                    names.forEach( function (nmspace) {                        nmspace = nmspace.toLowerCase();                        if ( validNSnumbers['_'+nmspace] ) {                            nsnumbers.push(nmspace);                        } else if ( validNSnames[nmspace] ) {                            nsnumbers.push( validNSnames[nmspace] );                        }                    });                    if (nsnumbers.length < 1) {                        conf.namespace = '0';                        namespaces = '(Main) namespace';                    } else if (nsnumbers.length < 2) {                        conf.namespace = nsnumbers[0];                        namespaces = nsnumbers[0] + ' namespace';                    } else {                        conf.namespace = nsnumbers.join('|');                        var nsmap = function (num) {                            return validNSnumbers['_'+num];                        };                        namespaces = nsnumbers.slice(0, -1).map(nsmap).join(', ') + ' or ' + nsnumbers.slice(-1).map(nsmap)[0] + ' namespaces';                    }                } else if ( self.suggestns && self.suggestns.length > 0 ) {                    var nsnumbers = [];                    self.suggestns.forEach( function (nmspace) {                        nmspace = nmspace.toLowerCase();                        if ( validNSnumbers['_'+nmspace] ) {                            nsnumbers.push(nmspace);                        } else if ( validNSnames[nmspace] ) {                            nsnumbers.push( validNSnames[nmspace] );                        }                    });                    if (nsnumbers.length < 1) {                        conf.namespace = '0';                        namespaces = '(Main) namespace';                    } else if (nsnumbers.length < 2) {                        conf.namespace = nsnumbers[0];                        namespaces = nsnumbers[0] + ' namespace';                    } else {                        conf.namespace = nsnumbers.join('|');                        var nsmap = function (num) {                            return validNSnumbers['_'+num];                        };                        namespaces = nsnumbers.slice(0, -1).map(nsmap).join(', ') + ' or ' + nsnumbers.slice(-1).map(nsmap)[0] + ' namespaces';                    }                } else {                    conf.namespace = '0';                    namespaces = '(Main) namespace';                }                param.error = 'Invalid page or page is not in ' + namespaces;                param.ooui = new mw.widgets.TitleInputWidget(conf);                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout( param.ooui, layconf);            },            /**             * Handler for group type params             *             * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            group: function (param, id) {                param.ooui = new OO.ui.HorizontalLayout({id: id, classes: ['jsCalc-group']});                if (param.label !== {                    var label = new OO.ui.LabelWidget({ label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label), classes:['jsCalc-grouplabel'] });                    param.ooui.addItems([label]);                }                return param.ooui;            },                        /**             * Default handler for inputs             *              * @param param {object} An object containing the configuration of a parameter             * @param id {String} A string representing the id to be added to the input             * @returns {OOUI.object} A OOUI object containing the new FieldLayout             */            def: function (param, id) {                var layconf = {                    label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(param.label),                    align: 'right',                    classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-string'],                    value: param.def                };                param.error = 'Unknown error';                if ( {                    layconf.helpInline = param.inlhelp;           = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(;                }				param.ooui = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget({type: 'text', name: id, id: id});                return new OO.ui.FieldLayout(param.ooui, layconf);            }        }    };/** * Create an instance of `Calc` * and parse the config stored in `elem` * * @param elem {Element} An Element representing the HTML tag that contains *                       the calculator's configuration */function Calc(elem) {    var self = this,        $elem = $(elem),        lines,        config;            // support div tags for config as well as pre    // be aware using div tags relies on wikitext for parsing    // so you can't use anchor or img tags    // use the wikitext equivalent instead    if ($elem.children().length) {        $elem = $elem.children();        lines = $elem.html();    } else {        // .html() causes html characters to be escaped for some reason        // so use .text() instead for <pre> tags        lines = $elem.text();    }        lines = lines.split('\n');        config =, lines);    // Calc name for localstorage, keyed to calc id    this.localname = calcstorage + '-' + config.form;        // Load previous parameter values.    if (!rs.hasLocalStorage()) {        console.warn('Browser does not support localStorage');    } else {        mw.log('Loading previous calculator values');        var calcdata = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem(this.localname) ) || false;        if (calcdata) {            config.tParams.forEach( function(param) {                if (calcdata[] !== undefined && calcdata[] !== null) {                    param.def = calcdata[];                }            });        }        self.lsRSN = localStorage.getItem('rsn');        mw.log(config);    }    // merge config in    $.extend(this, config);    /**     * @todo document     */    this.getInput = function (id) {        if (id) {            id =, id);            return $('#' + id);        }                return $('#jsForm-' + self.form).find('select, input');    };}/** * Helper function for getting the id of an input * * @param id {string} The id of the input as specified by the calculator config. * @returns {string} The true id of the input with prefixes. */Calc.prototype.getId = function (id) {    var self = this,        inputId =, id);    return inputId;};/** * Build the calculator form */Calc.prototype.setupCalc = function () {    var self = this,        fieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout({label:, classes: ['jcTable'], id: 'jsForm-'+self.form}),		submitButton, submitButtonAction, paramChangeAction, timeout,        groupkeys = {};    // Used to store indexes of elements to toggle them later    self.indexkeys = {};    self.tParams.forEach(function (param, index) {        // can skip any output here as the result is pulled from the        // param default in the config on submission        if (param.type === 'hidden') {            return;        }        var id =,,            method = helper.tParams[param.type] ?                param.type :                'def';        // Generate list of items in group        if (param.type === 'group') {            var fields = param.range.split(/\s*,\s*/);            fields.forEach( function (field) {                groupkeys[field] = index;            });        }        param.layout = helper.tParams[method].call(self, param, id);        if (param.type === 'semihidden') {            param.layout.toggle(false);        }		        // Add to group or form        if ( groupkeys[] || groupkeys[] === 0 ) {            self.tParams[ groupkeys[] ].ooui.addItems([param.layout]);        } else {            fieldset.addItems([param.layout]);        }        // Add item to indexkeys        self.indexkeys[] = index;    });    // Run toggle for each field, check validity    self.tParams.forEach( function (param) {        if (param.toggles && Object.keys(param.toggles).length > 0) {            var val;            if (param.type === 'buttonselect') {                val = param.ooui.findSelectedItem().getData();            } else if (param.type === 'check') {                val = param.ooui.isSelected() ? 'true' : 'false';            } else if (param.type === 'toggleswitch' || param.type === 'togglebutton') {                val = param.ooui.getValue() ? 'true' : 'false';            } else {                val = param.ooui.getValue();            }  , val, param.toggles);        }        if (param.type === 'number' || param.type === 'int' || param.type === 'rsn') {            param.ooui.setValidityFlag();        }    });		submitButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget({ label: 'Submit', flags: ['primary', 'progressive'], classes: ['jcSubmit']});	submitButtonAction = function (){      ;	};	submitButton.on('click', submitButtonAction);	submitButton.$'oouiButton', submitButton);    self.submitlayout = new OO.ui.FieldLayout(submitButton, {label: ' ', align: 'right', classes: ['jsCalc-field', 'jsCalc-field-submit']});	fieldset.addItems([ self.submitlayout ]);    // Auto-submit    if (['off', 'false', 'disabled'].indexOf(self.autosubmit) === -1) {        // Add event        paramChangeAction = function (widget) {            if ( typeof widget.getFlags === 'undefined' || !widget.getFlags().includes('invalid')) {      ;            }        };        		// We only want one of these pending at once		function timeoutFunc(param) {		    clearTimeout(timeout);		    timeout = setTimeout(paramChangeAction, 500, param);		}		        self.tParams.forEach( function (param) {            if (param.type === 'hidden' || param.type === 'hs' || param.type === 'group') {                return;            } else if (param.type === 'buttonselect') {                param.ooui.on('select', timeoutFunc, [param.ooui]);            }            param.ooui.on('change', timeoutFunc, [param.ooui]);        });    }        if (self.configError) {        fieldset.$element.append('<br>', self.configError);    }    $('#bodyContent')        .find('#' + self.form)            .empty()            .append(fieldset.$element);        // make buttonselects all the same height    self.tParams.filter(e=>e.type==='buttonselect').forEach(e=>{    	let m = e.ooui.items.reduce((acc,curr)=>Math.max(acc, curr.$element.find('> a.oo-ui-buttonElement-button').height()), 0);    	e.ooui.items.forEach(e=>e.$element.find('> a.oo-ui-buttonElement-button').height(m));    })};/** * @todo */function lookupCalc(calcId) {    return calcStore[calcId];}/** * @todo */function init() {    // Initialises class changes    helper.initClasses();    $('.jcConfig').each(function () {        var c = new Calc(this);        c.setupCalc();                calcStore[c.form] = c;        // if (c.autosubmit === 'true' || c.autosubmit === true) {        //;        // }    });        // allow scripts to hook into calc setup completion    mw.hook('rscalc.setupComplete').fire();}$(init);rs.calc = {};rs.calc.lookup = lookupCalc;