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/** * Adds a link to the main calculators directory to every calculator namespace page * in the same place as other subpage links (creates the element if required) * * @author Gaz Lloyd */$(function () { if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 116) { return; } function init() { // duplication prevention if ($('#contentSub #mw-content-subtitle .subpages .calculatorDirectoryLink').length) return; var link = $('<a>') .attr({ href: mw.util.getUrl('Calculators'), title: 'Calculator directory', }) .addClass('calculatorDirectoryLink') .text('All Calculators'); if ($('#contentSub #mw-content-subtitle .subpages').length) { $('#contentSub #mw-content-subtitle .subpages a').first().before(link, ' | '); } else { $('#contentSub #mw-content-subtitle').append( $('<span>') .addClass('subpages') .append('< ', link) ); } } init()})