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/** * Adds support for checkbox lists ([[Template:Checklist]]) * * Examples/Tests: <> * * History: * - 1.0: Original implementation - Cqm *//* * DATA STORAGE STRUCTURE * ---------------------- * * In its raw, uncompressed format, the stored data is as follows: * { *     hashedPageName1: [ *         [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], *         [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], *         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] *     ], *     hashedPageName2: [ *         [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], *         [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], *         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] *     ] * } * * Where `hashedPageNameX` is the value of wgPageName passed through our `hashString` function, * the arrays of numbers representing tables on a page (from top to bottom) and the numbers * representing whether a row is highlighted or not, depending on if it is 1 or 0 respectively. * * During compression, these numbers are collected into groups of 6 and converted to base64. * For example: * *   1. [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1] *   2. 0x010101             (1 + 4 + 16 = 21) *   3. BASE_64_URL[21]      (U) * * Once each table's rows have been compressed into strings, they are concatenated using `.` as a * delimiter. The hashed page name (which is guaranteed to be 8 characters long) is then prepended * to this string to look something like the following: * *   XXXXXXXXab.dc.ef * * * The first character of a hashed page name is then used to form the object that is actually * stored. As the hashing function uses hexadecimal, this gives us 16 possible characters (0-9A-Z). * * { *     A: ... *     B: ... *     C: ... *     // etc. * } * * The final step of compression is to merge each page's data together under it's respective top * level key. this is done by concatenation again, separated by a `!`. * * The resulting object is then converted to a string and persisted in local storage. When * uncompressing data, simply perform the following steps in reverse. * * For the implementation of this algorithm, see: * - `compress` * - `parse` * - `hashString` * * Note that while rows could theoretically be compressed further by using all ASCII characters, * eventually we'd start using characters outside printable ASCII which makes debugging painful. *//*jshint bitwise:false, camelcase:true, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, es3:false,    forin:true, immed:true, indent:4, latedef:true, newcap:true,    noarg:true, noempty:true, nonew:true, plusplus:true, quotmark:single,    undef:true, unused:true, strict:true, trailing:true,    browser:true, devel:false, jquery:true,    onevar:true*/'use strict';    // constantsvar STORAGE_KEY = 'rs:checkList',    LIST_CLASS = 'checklist',    CHECKED_CLASS = 'checked',    NO_TOGGLE_PARENT_CLASS = 'no-toggle-parent',    INDEX_ATTRIBUTE = 'data-checklist-index',    BASE_64_URL = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_',    PAGE_SEPARATOR = '!',    LIST_SEPARATOR = '.',    CASTAGNOLI_POLYNOMIAL = 0x04c11db7,    UINT32_MAX = 0xffffffff,    conf = mw.config.get([        'debug',        'wgPageName'    ]),    self = {        /*         * Stores the current uncompressed data for the current page.         */        data: null,        /*         * Perform initial checks on the page and browser.         */        init: function () {            var $lists = $(['ul.' + LIST_CLASS,                            'div.' + LIST_CLASS + ' > ul'].join(', ')),                hashedPageName = self.hashString(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));            // check we have some tables to interact with            if (!$lists.length) {                return;            }            // check the browser supports local storage            if (!rs.hasLocalStorage()) {                return;            }   = self.load(hashedPageName, $lists.length);            self.initLists(hashedPageName, $lists);        },        /*         * Initialise table highlighting.         *         * @param hashedPageName The current page name as a hash.         * @param $lists A list of checkbox lists on the current page.         */        initLists: function (hashedPageName, $lists) {            $lists.each(function (listIndex) {                var $this = $(this),                    toggleParent = !(                        $this.hasClass(NO_TOGGLE_PARENT_CLASS) ||                        $this.parent('div.' + LIST_CLASS).hasClass(NO_TOGGLE_PARENT_CLASS)                    ),                    // list items                    $items = $this.find('li'),                    listData =[listIndex];                // initialise list items if necessary                while ($items.length > listData.length) {                    listData.push(0);                }                $items.each(function (itemIndex) {                    var $this = $(this),                        itemData = listData[itemIndex];                    // initialize checking based on the cookie                    self.setChecked($this, itemData);                    // give the item a unique index in the list                    $this.attr(INDEX_ATTRIBUTE, itemIndex);                    // set mouse events                    $this                        .click(function (e) {                            var $this = $(this),                                $parent = $this.parent('ul').parent('li'),                                $childItems = $this.children('ul').children('li'),                                isChecked;                            // don't bubble up to parent lists                            e.stopPropagation();                            function checkChildItems() {                                var $this = $(this),                                    index = $this.attr(INDEX_ATTRIBUTE),                                    $childItems = $this.children('ul').children('li'),                                    childIsChecked = $this.hasClass(CHECKED_CLASS);                                if (                                    (isChecked && !childIsChecked) ||                                    (!isChecked && childIsChecked)                                ) {                                    listData[index] = 1 - listData[index];                                    self.setChecked($this, listData[index]);                                }                                if ($childItems.length) {                                    $childItems.each(checkChildItems);                                }                            }                            function checkParent($parent) {                                var parentIndex = $parent.attr(INDEX_ATTRIBUTE),                                    parentIsChecked = $parent.hasClass(CHECKED_CLASS),                                    parentShouldBeChecked = true,                                    $myParent = $parent.parent('ul').parent('li');                                $parent.children('ul').children('li').each(function () {                                    var $child = $(this),                                        childIsChecked = $child.hasClass(CHECKED_CLASS);                                    if (!childIsChecked) {                                        parentShouldBeChecked = false;                                    }                                });                                if (                                    (parentShouldBeChecked && !parentIsChecked && toggleParent) ||                                    (!parentShouldBeChecked && parentIsChecked)                                ) {                                    listData[parentIndex] = 1 - listData[parentIndex];                                    self.setChecked($parent, listData[parentIndex]);                                }                                if ($myParent.length) {                                    checkParent($myParent);                                }                            }                            // don't toggle highlight when clicking links                            if (( !== 'A') && ( !== 'IMG')) {                                // 1 -> 0                                // 0 -> 1                                listData[itemIndex] = 1 - listData[itemIndex];                                self.setChecked($this, listData[itemIndex]);                                isChecked = $this.hasClass(CHECKED_CLASS);                                if ($childItems.length) {                                    $childItems.each(checkChildItems);                                }                                // if the list has a parent                                // check if all the children are checked and uncheck the parent if not                                if ($parent.length) {                                    checkParent($parent);                                }                      ;                            }                        });                });                                // add a button for reset                var reset = $('<div>').append(                	$('<sup>').append('[').append(                		$('<a>').append('uncheck all')            		).append(']')                ).addClass('sl-reset');                reset.first('sup').click(function () {                    $items.each(function (itemIndex) {                        listData[itemIndex] = 0;                        self.setChecked($(this), 0);                    });          , $lists.length);                });                                $this.append(reset);            });        },        /*         * Change the list item checkbox based on mouse events.         *         * @param $item The list item element.         * @param val The value to control what class to add (if any).         *            0 -> unchecked (no class)         *            1 -> light on         *            2 -> mouse over         */        setChecked: function ($item, val) {            $item.removeClass(CHECKED_CLASS);            switch (val) {                // checked                case 1:                    $item.addClass(CHECKED_CLASS);                    break;            }        },        /*         * Merge the updated data for the current page into the data for other pages into local storage.         *         * @param hashedPageName A hash of the current page name.         */        save: function (hashedPageName) {                // load the existing data so we know where to save it            var curData = localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY),                compressedData;            if (curData === null) {                curData = {};            } else {                curData = JSON.parse(curData);                curData = self.parse(curData);            }            // merge in our updated data and compress it            curData[hashedPageName] =;            compressedData = self.compress(curData);            // convert to a string and save to localStorage            compressedData = JSON.stringify(compressedData);            localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, compressedData);        },        /*         * Compress the entire data set using tha algoritm documented at the top of the page.         *         * @param data The data to compress.         *         * @return the compressed data.         */        compress: function (data) {            var ret = {};                        Object.keys(data).forEach(function (hashedPageName) {                var pageData = data[hashedPageName],                    pageKey = hashedPageName.charAt(0);                if (!ret.hasOwnProperty(pageKey)) {                    ret[pageKey] = {};                }                ret[pageKey][hashedPageName] = [];                pageData.forEach(function (tableData) {                    var compressedListData = '',                        i, j, k;                    for (i = 0; i < Math.ceil(tableData.length / 6); i += 1) {                        k = tableData[6 * i];                        for (j = 1; j < 6; j += 1) {                            k = 2 * k + ((6 * i + j < tableData.length) ? tableData[6 * i + j] : 0);                        }                        compressedListData += BASE_64_URL.charAt(k);                    }                    ret[pageKey][hashedPageName].push(compressedListData);                });                ret[pageKey][hashedPageName] = ret[pageKey][hashedPageName].join(LIST_SEPARATOR);            });            Object.keys(ret).forEach(function (pageKey) {                var hashKeys = Object.keys(ret[pageKey]),                    hashedData = [];                hashKeys.forEach(function (key) {                    var pageData = ret[pageKey][key];                    hashedData.push(key + pageData);                });                hashedData = hashedData.join(PAGE_SEPARATOR);                ret[pageKey] = hashedData;            });            return ret;        },        /*         * Get the existing data for the current page.         *         * @param hashedPageName A hash of the current page name.         * @param numLists The number of lists on the current page. Used to ensure the loaded         *                 data matches the number of lists on the page thus handling cases         *                 where lists have been added or removed. This does not check the         *                 amount of items in the given lists.         *         * @return The data for the current page.         */        load: function (hashedPageName, numLists) {            var data = localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY),                pageData;            if (data === null) {                pageData = [];            } else {                data = JSON.parse(data);                data = self.parse(data);                if (data.hasOwnProperty(hashedPageName)) {                    pageData = data[hashedPageName];                } else {                    pageData = [];                }            }            // if more lists were added            // add extra arrays to store the data in            // also populates if no existing data was found            while (numLists > pageData.length) {                pageData.push([]);            }            // if lists were removed, remove data from the end of the list            // as there's no way to tell which was removed            while (numLists < pageData.length) {                pageData.pop();            }            return pageData;        },        /*         * Parse the compressed data as loaded from local storage using the algorithm desribed         * at the top of the page.         *         * @param data The data to parse.         *         * @return the parsed data.         */        parse: function (data) {            var ret = {};            Object.keys(data).forEach(function (pageKey) {                var pageData = data[pageKey].split(PAGE_SEPARATOR);                pageData.forEach(function (listData) {                    var hashedPageName = listData.substr(0, 8);                    listData = listData.substr(8).split(LIST_SEPARATOR);                    ret[hashedPageName] = [];                    listData.forEach(function (itemData, index) {                        var i, j, k;                        ret[hashedPageName].push([]);                        for (i = 0; i < itemData.length; i += 1) {                            k = BASE_64_URL.indexOf(itemData.charAt(i));                            // input validation                            if (k < 0) {                                k = 0;                            }                            for (j = 5; j >= 0; j -= 1) {                                ret[hashedPageName][index][6 * i + j] = (k & 0x1);                                k >>= 1;                            }                        }                    });                });            });            return ret;        },        /*         * Hash a string into a big endian 32 bit hex string. Used to hash page names.         *         * @param input The string to hash.         *         * @return the result of the hash.         */        hashString: function (input) {            var ret = 0,                table = [],                i, j, k;            // guarantee 8-bit chars            input = window.unescape(window.encodeURI(input));            // calculate the crc (cyclic redundancy check) for all 8-bit data            // bit-wise operations discard anything left of bit 31            for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 1) {                k = (i << 24);                for (j = 0; j < 8; j += 1) {                    k = (k << 1) ^ ((k >>> 31) * CASTAGNOLI_POLYNOMIAL);                }                table[i] = k;            }            // the actual calculation            for (i = 0; i < input.length; i += 1) {                ret = (ret << 8) ^ table[(ret >>> 24) ^ input.charCodeAt(i)];            }            // make negative numbers unsigned            if (ret < 0) {                ret += UINT32_MAX;            }            // 32-bit hex string, padded on the left            ret = '0000000' + ret.toString(16).toUpperCase();            ret = ret.substr(ret.length - 8);            return ret;        }    };// disable for debuggingif (!(['User:Cqm/Scrapbook_4'].indexOf(conf.wgPageName) && conf.debug)) {    $(self.init);}/*// sample data for testing the algorithm usedvar data = {    // page1    '0FF47C63': [        [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0],        [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],        [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]    ],    // page2    '02B75ABA': [        [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],        [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],        [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]    ],    // page3    '0676470D': [        [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1],        [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],        [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]    ]};console.log('input', data);var compressedData = self.compress(data);console.log('compressed', compressedData);var parsedData = self.parse(compressedData);console.log(parsedData);*/