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/** <nowiki>* Secondary gadget for the wiki article feedback feature, which runs solely on* pages that have the feedback wrapper (talk pages). It allows people to* mark feedback as "resolved".** @author Jayden*/var conf = mw.config.get([        'wgPageName'    ]),    main = {        /**         * Startup method         */        init: function () {        	var wrappers = $('.gloop-feedback-wrapper');        	        	// Loop through all of the feedback on the page, and add a link to resolve them            for (var i = 0; i < wrappers.length; i++) {            	var current = wrappers[i];            	main.handleWrapper(current);            }        },                handleWrapper: function (wrapper) {        	// Get the ID of the feedback section        	var feedbackId = $(wrapper).data('id');        	if (!feedbackId) {        		// No ID exists, don't do anything        		console.warn('Could not init feedback actions: no ID present', wrapper);        		return;        	}        	        	// Find the toggle to resolve the feedback        	var toggle = $(wrapper).find('.gloop-feedback-resolve-toggle');        	        	if (!toggle.length) {        		// No toggle exists, don't do anything        		console.warn('Could not init feedback actions: no toggle present', wrapper);        	}        	        	if (toggle.hasClass('table-bg-green')) {        		// Already resolved, don't let people resolve it again        		return;        	}        	        	$(toggle).css('cursor', 'pointer');			$(toggle).on('click', function () {				main.doResolveConfirm(feedbackId, toggle);			});        },                /**         * Shows a confirmation popup for resolving feedback         **/        doResolveConfirm: function (feedbackId, toggle) {        	console.log('feedback id', feedbackId);        	OO.ui.confirm('Clicking OK will resolve this feedback, marking it as complete/no action needed. You cannot unresolve feedback after resolving it.').done(function (confirmed) {			    if (confirmed) {			        main.doResolve(feedbackId, toggle);			    }			});        },                doResolve: function (feedbackId, toggle) {        	        	var searchString = '\\|id=' + feedbackId + '\n\\|date=(.*)\n\\|resolved=no';        	var regex = new RegExp(searchString, 'gim');        				new mw.Api().edit(			    conf.wgPageName,			    function (revision) {			        return {			            text: revision.content.replace( regex, '|id=' + feedbackId + '\n|date=$1\n|resolved=yes' ),			            summary: 'Resolving user-submitted feedback',			            assert: 'user',			            minor: true			        };			    }			)			.then(function () {			    $(toggle).removeClass('table-bg-red');			    $(toggle).addClass('table-bg-green');			    $(toggle).find('span').text('Resolved');			    $(toggle).off('click');			});        }    };mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'oojs-ui-core', 'oojs-ui-windows'], function () {    $(main.init);});// </nowiki>