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'use strict';var userSettings, settingsName = 'rsw-drop-display-settings', defaultSettings = {_ratedisp: 2, _valcoldisp: 1};// grabs settings from localstorage (or defaults if not supported)function getSettings(){ var settings = {}; if (rswiki.hasLocalStorage()) { try { settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(settingsName)); } catch (err) { settings = {}; } if (settings === null) { settings = {}; } } userSettings = $.extend({}, defaultSettings, settings);}// put settings back into localstoragefunction updateSettings(){ if (!rswiki.hasLocalStorage()) return; localStorage.setItem(settingsName, JSON.stringify(userSettings));}// change rate to a different displayfunction changeRateDisp(data, selected, init){ var rdisp = 0, attr = '', append = '', upsettings = false; if (init == true) { rdisp = data; } else { rdisp = data.getData(); } switch(rdisp) { case 1: attr = 'data-drop-fraction'; upsettings = true; break; case 2: attr = 'data-drop-oneover'; upsettings = true; break; case 3: attr = 'data-drop-percent'; upsettings = true; append = '%'; break; default: mw.log('Invalid rate display type '+rdisp); } $('table.item-drops td span[data-drop-fraction]').each(function(){ var $cell = $(this), newText = $cell.attr(attr); $cell.text(newText + append); }); if (upsettings == true) { userSettings._ratedisp = rdisp; updateSettings(); }}// change value display columnfunction changeValDisp(data, selected, init){ var tbl = 'table.item-drops.filterable'; var vdisp = 0, upsettings = false; if (init == true) { vdisp = data; } else { vdisp = data.getData(); } switch (vdisp) { case 1: $(tbl).each(function(){ $(this).removeClass('rsw-dropsline-hidege'); $(this).addClass('rsw-dropsline-hidealch'); }); upsettings = true; break; case 2: $(tbl).each(function(){ $(this).addClass('rsw-dropsline-hidege'); $(this).removeClass('rsw-dropsline-hidealch'); }); upsettings = true; break; case 3: $(tbl).each(function(){ $(this).removeClass('rsw-dropsline-hidege'); $(this).removeClass('rsw-dropsline-hidealch'); }); upsettings = true; break; default: mw.log('Invalid value column display type '+vdisp); } if (upsettings == true) { userSettings._valcoldisp = vdisp; updateSettings(); }}// initialisefunction init() { var $tables = $('table.item-drops.filterable'), $overlay = $('<div id="rsw-drops-overlay2">').appendTo('body'), popup, fieldset, applyButton, fractionButton, overoneButton, percentButton, rateGroup, gecolButton, alcolButton, bothcolButton, valGroup, typeGroup; // get settings and update display getSettings(); changeRateDisp(userSettings._ratedisp, true, true); changeValDisp(userSettings._valcoldisp, true, true); // build popup // Droprate column fractionButton = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({ data: 1, label: 'Expanded fraction (a/b)', title: 'Displays a fraction without simplifying, in a/b style. Example: 4/128.', }); overoneButton = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({ data: 2, label: 'One-over fraction (1/x, default)', title: 'Displays a fraction simplified to 1/x. Fraction denominators are rounded to 3 significant figures. This is the default display.', }); percentButton = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({ data: 3, label: 'Percentage (y%)', title: 'Displays a percentage (y%), rounded to 3 significant figures.', }); rateGroup = new OO.ui.ButtonSelectWidget({ items: [overoneButton, fractionButton, percentButton] }); rateGroup.selectItemByData(userSettings._ratedisp); rateGroup.on('choose',changeRateDisp); //Price/Value columns gecolButton = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({ data: 1, label: 'Show GE Price', title: 'Display only the GE Price column.', }); alcolButton = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({ data: 2, label: 'Show High alch value', title: 'Display only the high alch value column.', }); bothcolButton = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({ data: 3, label: 'Show both', title: 'Display both the GE Price and high alch value columns.', }); valGroup = new OO.ui.ButtonSelectWidget({ items: [gecolButton, alcolButton, bothcolButton] }); valGroup.selectItemByData(userSettings._valcoldisp); valGroup.on('choose',changeValDisp); fieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout({}); fieldset.addItems([ new OO.ui.FieldLayout(rateGroup, {label: 'Display drops as: ', align: 'top'}), new OO.ui.FieldLayout(valGroup, {label: 'Display price/value as: ', align: 'top'}), ]); popup = new OO.ui.PopupWidget({ padded: true, autoClose: true, $content: fieldset.$element, width: 'auto', position: 'above', align: 'force-right', head: true, label: 'Display settings', classes: ['rsw-drop-display-popup2'] }); $overlay.append(popup.$element); // add button to each table $tables.each(function(i,e){ var button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({ icon: 'settings', title: 'Open display settings', framed: false, invisibleLabel: true, classes: ['rsw-drop-display-button2'] }); button.on('click',function(){ // move popup to the clicked button popup.setFloatableContainer(button.$element); // reset buttons (i.e. open popup, click a button but don't apply, close - next time it is opened it should show the current setting not the unapplied one) rateGroup.selectItemByData(userSettings._ratedisp); valGroup.selectItemByData(userSettings._valcoldisp); // show popup popup.toggle(true); }); var $cell = $(e).find('th.drop-disp-btn'); $cell.append(button.$element); });}$(init);