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// Add gadget links to the gadgets that are being defined on [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition]]
$(function() {
function gadgetLink(page) {
return '<a href="/w/MediaWiki:Gadget-'+page+'" title="MediaWiki:Gadget-'+page+'">'+page+'</a>';
$('.page-MediaWiki_Gadgets-definition #bodyContent ul li').not('#toc li').each(function() {
var txt = this.innerHTML;
var links = txt.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)(\[[^\]]+\]\|)(.*)/, function(match, name, options, filelist) {
var files = filelist.split('|');
files = { return gadgetLink(file); });
return gadgetLink(name) + options + files.join('|');