Module:Graphical updates
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Graphical updates/doc
local p = {}
local params = require('Module:Paramtest')
local clean = require('Module:Clean image2').clean
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
local function endDateFormat(revNum, dateType)
local dateTypes = {['main']='', ['upper']='up', ['middle']='mid'}
local endDateType = string.format('rev%s%send', revNum, dateTypes[dateType])
if params.has_content(args[endDateType]) then -- If an ending date has been explicitely specified, use that one
endDate = args[endDateType]
elseif params.has_content(args[string.format('rev%s%sstart', revNum +1, dateTypes[dateType])]) then -- If there is a starting date defined for the next revision, use that as the ending date
endDate = args[string.format('rev%s%sstart', revNum +1, dateTypes[dateType])]
else -- If not, then the current revision is the last revision
endDate = 'Present'
return endDate
local function imageFormat(revNum, rowLevel)
local rowImages = {['upper']='img', ['middle']='midimg', ['lower']='lowimg'}
local rowDefaultImage = rowImages[rowLevel]
local rowSpecificImage = string.format('rev%s%s', revNum, rowImages[rowLevel])
if params.has_content(args[rowSpecificImage]) then -- If a filename has been specified, use that one
formattedImage = args[rowSpecificImage]
elseif params.has_content(args[rowDefaultImage]) then -- If not, use a variation of the base filename
local imageArg = args[rowDefaultImage]
if (params.has_content(args['rev2start']) and params.is_empty(args['rev3start'])) then -- Check if there are only two revisions in the gallery
if revNum == 1 then
formattedImage = string.format('%s (historical)', imageArg) -- If so, append (historical) to the base filename for the first revision
elseif revNum == 2 then
formattedImage = imageArg
elseif params.is_empty(args['rev'..(revNum+1)..'start']) then -- We've made it so far, so there must be three or more revisions
formattedImage = imageArg -- In which case, use the base filename for the last revision
local commaSeparatedHistorical = string.format('[[File:%s (historical, v%s).png]]', imageArg, revNum)
local cleanComma = clean({file=commaSeparatedHistorical})
if cleanComma == nil then -- Check if there is a file with (historical, v#) appended, and use it if so
formattedImage = string.format('%s (historical v%s)', imageArg, revNum)
else -- If not, append (historical v#) to the base filename
formattedImage = string.format('%s (historical, v%s)', imageArg, revNum)
return formattedImage
local function sizeFormat(revNum, rowLevel)
local rowSizes = {['upper']='size', ['middle']='midsize', ['lower']='lowsize'}
local fallbackSizes = {['upper']='|300x150px', ['middle']='', ['lower']=''} -- Define the base sizes per image row, in case no size is specified at all
local rowDefaultSize = rowSizes[rowLevel]
local rowSpecificSize = string.format('rev%s%s', revNum, rowSizes[rowLevel])
if params.has_content(args[rowSpecificSize]) then -- If a specific size is defined for a revision, use that one
formattedSize = '|' .. args[rowSpecificSize]
elseif params.has_content(args[rowDefaultSize]) then -- If not, use the size specified for all images in that row (by the user)
formattedSize = '|' .. args[rowDefaultSize]
else -- If neither is specified, use the base size for that row (defined in the table above)
formattedSize = fallbackSizes[rowLevel]
return formattedSize
-- Iterate through the arguments, and for each rev#start that is defined, compile a list of parameters relevant to that revision and add them as an entry to the rev_list table
-- Parameters pertaining to optional rows are checked for content, and default to nil if empty
-- Formatted size and formatted filename are combined prior to being entered into the table
local function revisionList()
local rev_list = {}
for i=1,10,1 do
local definedRevision = args['rev'..i..'start']
if definedRevision and params.has_content(definedRevision) then
local startDate = params.default_to(args['rev'..i..'start'],'?')
local endDate = endDateFormat(i, 'main')
local upperStartDate = params.default_to(args['rev'..i..'upstart'], nil)
local upperEndDate = params.has_content(args['rev'..i..'upstart']) and endDateFormat(i, 'upper') or nil
local middleStartDate = params.default_to(args['rev'..i..'midstart'], nil)
local middleEndDate = params.has_content(args['rev'..i..'midstart']) and endDateFormat(i, 'middle') or nil
local upperImage = imageFormat(i, 'upper')
local upperSize = sizeFormat(i, 'upper')
local middleImage = imageFormat (i, 'middle')
local middleSize = sizeFormat (i, 'middle')
local lowerImage = imageFormat (i, 'lower')
local lowerSize = sizeFormat (i, 'lower')
local resizedUpperImage = string.format('[[File:%s.png%s]]', upperImage, upperSize)
local resizedMiddleImage = params.has_content(args['midimg']) and string.format('[[File:%s.png%s]]', middleImage, middleSize) or nil
local resizedLowerImage = params.has_content(args['lowimg']) and string.format('[[File:%s.png%s]]', lowerImage, lowerSize) or nil
table.insert(rev_list, {
startDate = startDate,
endDate = endDate,
upperImage = resizedUpperImage,
middleImage = resizedMiddleImage,
lowerImage = resizedLowerImage,
upperStartDate = upperStartDate,
upperEndDate = upperEndDate,
middleStartDate = middleStartDate,
middleEndDate = middleEndDate,
} )
return rev_list
-- Shove that big table of revisions into a variable called revisions
local revisions = revisionList()
-- Build a div containing the starting date, a stylised horizontal rule, and ending date
local function buildDateRange(revisions, revNum, dateRangeType)
local startDateTypes = {['main']= 'startDate', ['upper']= 'upperStartDate', ['middle']= 'middleStartDate'}
local endDateTypes = {['main']= 'endDate', ['upper']= 'upperEndDate', ['middle']= 'middleEndDate'}
local startingDate = startDateTypes[dateRangeType]
local endingDate = endDateTypes[dateRangeType]
local dateRange = mw.html.create('div')
:css({ ['text-align'] = 'center'})
['border-bottom'] = '0.175em solid var(--body-dark)',
['border-top'] = 'hidden',
['margin'] = '0 0.45em'
return tostring(dateRange)
-- The buildRows function will be called by buildColumns later on, and will return a div for each row with content in the revisions table for that specific column
local function buildRows(revisions, revisionNum)
local rows = mw.html.create(nil)
if params.has_content(args['rev' .. revisionNum .. 'upstart']) then
:wikitext(buildDateRange(revisions, revisionNum, 'upper'))
if params.has_content(args['midimg']) then
if params.has_content(args['rev' .. revisionNum .. 'midstart']) then
:wikitext(buildDateRange(revisions, revisionNum, 'middle'))
if params.has_content(args['lowimg']) then
return tostring(rows)
-- Determine the number of CSS grid rows to span for the parent div holding a single column
local function gridSpanFormat(revNum)
local gridSpan = 2
if params.has_content(args['midimg']) then
gridSpan = gridSpan + 1
if params.has_content(args['lowimg']) then
gridSpan = gridSpan + 1
if params.has_content(args['rev' .. revNum .. 'upstart']) then
gridSpan = gridSpan + 1
if params.has_content(args['rev' .. revNum .. 'midstart']) then
gridSpan = gridSpan + 1
gridSpan = string.format('auto / span %s', gridSpan)
return gridSpan
-- So let's put it all together
-- For each entry into the revisions table, which contains the relevant args for a single historical revision, we're going to build a column
-- First it makes a div holding the column, which is then made a subgrid of the grid container, so that the cells will align vertically between different columns
-- We call the gridSpanFormat function to tell it how many rows the container of the column has to span
-- Then we fill it with the buildRows function, which returns a div for each relevant row entry for that column
-- Finally we put the main date range at the bottom to close out the column
-- Each iteration is then added to the columns variable, which will grow to contain the whole gallery by the end
local function buildColumns(revisions)
local columns = mw.html.create(nil)
for i, v in ipairs(revisions) do
['display'] = 'grid',
['grid-template-rows'] = 'subgrid',
['grid-row'] = gridSpanFormat(i),
['justify-items'] = 'center',
['align-items'] = 'center',
:wikitext(buildRows(revisions, i))
:wikitext(buildDateRange(revisions, i, 'main'))
return tostring(columns)
-- Now we create a div which will hold all the columns, and we make it a CSS grid container
-- We tell it to fill as many columns as can fit the screen along implicit grid tracks, which are as wide as the content of those columns at minimum
-- We also need to set a max-width to be divvied up by the auto-placed columns
local revisionsTable = mw.html.create('div')
local gridColumnWidth = params.has_content(args['colwidth']) and args['colwidth'] or '150'
local gridWidth = params.has_content(args['colwidth']) and (args['colwidth'] + 25) * #revisions or 250 * #revisions
:css({ ['margin-top'] = '20px',
['max-width'] = string.format('%spx', gridWidth),
['display'] = 'grid',
['gap'] = '15px 25px',
['grid-template-columns'] = string.format('repeat(auto-fill, minmax(min-content, %spx) )', gridColumnWidth),
return revisionsTable
return p