Module:Tombs of Amascut loot

Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Tombs of Amascut loot/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Module:Tombs of Amascut loot's function main is invoked by Calculator:Tombs of Amascut loot.
Module:Tombs of Amascut loot requires Module:Exchange.
Module:Tombs of Amascut loot requires Module:Less Stupid Coins.
Module:Tombs of Amascut loot requires Module:Tables.

local gePrice = require('Module:Exchange')._price
local coins = require('Module:Less Stupid Coins')._amount
local tables = require('Module:Tables')
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()

local p = {}

local PATH_INVOCATIONS = {None = 0, Pathseeker = 1, Pathfinder = 2, Pathmaster = 3}
local NORMAL_LOOT = {
	{item = "Coins", divisor = 1},
	{item = "Death rune", divisor = 20},
	{item = "Soul rune", divisor = 40},
	{item = "Gold ore", divisor = 90},
	{item = "Dragon dart tip", divisor = 100},
	{item = "Mahogany logs", divisor = 180},
	{item = "Sapphire", divisor = 200},
	{item = "Emerald", divisor = 250},
	{item = "Gold bar", divisor = 250},
	{item = "Potato cactus", divisor = 250},
	{item = "Raw shark", divisor = 250},
	{item = "Ruby", divisor = 300},
	{item = "Diamond", divisor = 400},
	{item = "Raw manta ray", divisor = 450},
	{item = "Cactus spine", divisor = 600},
	{item = "Dragonstone", divisor = 600},
	{item = "Battlestaff", divisor = 1100},
	{item = "Coconut milk", divisor = 1100},
	{item = "Lily of the sands", divisor = 1100},
	{item = "Toadflax seed", divisor = 1400},
	{item = "Ranarr seed", divisor = 1800},
	{item = "Torstol seed", divisor = 2200},
	{item = "Snapdragon seed", divisor = 2200},
	{item = "Dragon med helm", divisor = 4000},
	{item = "Magic seed", divisor = 6500},
	{item = "Blood essence", divisor = 7500},
	{item = "Cache of runes", divisor = 999999}

local PURPLES = {
	{item = "Tumeken's shadow (uncharged)", weight = 1, level = 150},
	{item = "Masori mask", weight = 2, level = 150},
	{item = "Masori body", weight = 2, level = 150},
	{item = "Masori chaps", weight = 2, level = 150},
	{item = "Elidinis' ward", weight = 3, level = 150},
	{item = "Osmumten's fang", weight = 7, level = 50},
	{item = "Lightbearer", weight = 7, level = 50}

	[1] = 1.0,
	[2] = 1.9,
	[3] = 2.8,
	[4] = 3.4,
	[5] = 4.0,
	[6] = 4.6,
	[7] = 5.2,
	[8] = 5.8

function p.main(frame)
	local frame = frame or {}
	local args = frame.args or {}
	local raid_level = tonumber(args.raid_level) or 550
	local team_size = tonumber(args.team_size) or 8
	local path_invocation = PATH_INVOCATIONS[args.path_invocation or 'None'] or 0
	local walk_the_path = args.walk_the_path == 'yes'
	local leagues_harder_mode = args.leagues_harder_mode == 'yes' 
	out = p.calculator(raid_level, team_size, path_invocation, walk_the_path, leagues_harder_mode) 
	return out

function scale_hp(base, raid_level, team_size, path_level)

	local path_multiplier = 1.0
	if path_level > 0 then
		-- this isn't perfectly accurate because 0, 8, 13, 18... isn't linear, but it's close enough
		path_multiplier = 1.03 + path_level * 0.05
	-- this seems to round to the nearest 5 or 10, but the exact rounding semantics aren't clear (and we're already doing some averaging with WTP)
	return math.floor(base * (1 + raid_level / 250) * TEAM_SIZE_SCALE[team_size] * path_multiplier)

function p.estimate_points(raid_level, team_size, path_invocation, walk_the_path)
	-- to keep inputs simple, for WTP we assume the order is Ba-Ba, Kephri, Zebak, Akkha
	-- it doesn't make a significant difference if the order is shuffled, as the bosses
	-- generally have similar total point contributions
	local AVERAGE_WTP_LEVEL = {[0] = 0, [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0}
	if walk_the_path then
		AVERAGE_WTP_LEVEL = {[0] = 0, [1] = 4/6, [2] = 7/6, [3] = 13/6}
	local points_table = {
		{name = "Akkha", hp = scale_hp(480, raid_level, team_size, path_invocation + AVERAGE_WTP_LEVEL[3]), mult = 1.0, approx = walk_the_path},
		{name = "Akkha's Shadow", hp = scale_hp(70, raid_level, team_size, path_invocation + AVERAGE_WTP_LEVEL[3]), mult = 1.0, count = 4}, -- path levels affect hp
		{name = "Baboons", hp = scale_hp(300, raid_level, team_size, 0), mult = 1.2, approx = true},
		{name = "Ba-Ba", hp = scale_hp(380, raid_level, team_size, path_invocation + AVERAGE_WTP_LEVEL[0]), mult = 2.0, approx = walk_the_path},
		{name = "Zebak", hp = scale_hp(580, raid_level, team_size, path_invocation + AVERAGE_WTP_LEVEL[2]), mult = 1.5, approx = walk_the_path},
		{name = "Scarab Swarms", hp = 200, mult = 1.0, approx = true},
		{name = "Scarabs", hp = 200, mult = 0.5, approx = true},
		{name = "Kephri's Shield", hp = scale_hp(375, raid_level, team_size, path_invocation + AVERAGE_WTP_LEVEL[1]), mult = 1.0, approx = true}, -- assuming the shield regenerates a total of 150% across two regen cycles - probably less in good groups
		{name = "Kephri", hp = scale_hp(130, raid_level, team_size, path_invocation + AVERAGE_WTP_LEVEL[1]), mult = 1.0, approx = walk_the_path},
		{name = "P1 Obelisk", hp = scale_hp(260, raid_level, team_size, 0), mult = 1.5},
		{name = "P2 Warden", hp = scale_hp(140, raid_level, team_size, 0), mult = 2.0, count = 2},
		{name = "P3 Warden", hp = scale_hp(880, raid_level, team_size, 0), mult = 2.5},
		{name = "Misc. damage", hp = 80 * team_size, mult = 1.0, approx = true},
		{name = "Het - seal mining", hp = 130 + math.floor(95.81 * (team_size - 1)), mult = 2.5}, -- not sure why this is the scaling, but it matches at 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
		{name = "Scabaras - puzzles", points = 300 * team_size, approx = true}, -- assuming 3 puzzles per person
		{name = "Apmeken - traps", points = 450 * team_size, approx = true}, -- assuming 6 fix-trap cycles, 75 points each
		{name = "Crondis - palm watering", points = 400 * team_size}, -- 2 points per health, 200 health per person
		{name = "MVP", points = 2700 * team_size}, -- 9 rooms, 300 per person
	local total_points = 0
	for _, v in ipairs(points_table) do
		if v.points then
			total_points = total_points + v.points
			total_points = total_points + math.floor(v.hp * v.mult * (v.count or 1))
	return {total = total_points, points_table = points_table}	

function p.get_rewards(points, raid_level, team_size, leagues_harder_mode)
	local adjusted_raid_level = raid_level
	if raid_level > 400 then
		adjusted_raid_level = 400 + math.floor((raid_level - 400) / 3)

	local purple_denominator = 100 * (10500 - 20 * adjusted_raid_level)
	local pet_denominator
	if leagues_harder_mode then -- leagues none sense
		purple_denominator = math.max(purple_denominator, points) -- no cap fr fr
		pet_denominator = 100 * (350000 - 700 * math.min(adjusted_raid_level, 466)) -- we dont know if this is correct
		purple_denominator = math.max(purple_denominator, 150000) -- caps at 1500
		pet_denominator = 100 * (350000 - 700 * adjusted_raid_level)
	local elite_clue_denominator = 200000
	local scale = 1
	local description = ""
	if raid_level < 150 then
		scale = 0.75
		description = "decreased by '''25%'''"
	elseif raid_level >= 300 then
		local percent = math.floor((raid_level - 300) / 5) + 15
		scale = 1 + percent / 100
		description = string.format("increased by '''%d%%'''", percent)
	if description ~= "" then
		description = string.format("With a raid level of '''%d''', normal loot is %s from the baseline.", raid_level, description)
	description = "Normal loot always gives 3 rolls, and each of the 27 items is equally likely. " .. description
	normal_loot = {}
	for _, v in ipairs(NORMAL_LOOT) do
		local quantity = math.floor(points / team_size / v.divisor)
		quantity = math.floor(quantity * scale)
		quantity = math.max(quantity, 1)
		local price = 0
		if v.item == "Cache of runes" then
			price = 1700 / 3 * (gePrice("Blood rune") + gePrice("Soul rune") + gePrice("Death rune"))
		elseif v.item == "Coins" then
			price = 1
			price = gePrice(v.item)
		table.insert(normal_loot, {item = v.item, quantity = quantity, price = price})	
	local base_purple_rate = math.min(points / purple_denominator, 0.55)
	local unique_loot = {}
	local true_purple_rate = 0.0
	for _, v in ipairs(PURPLES) do
		local true_rate = base_purple_rate * v.weight / 24
		if raid_level < v.level then
			true_rate = true_rate / 50
		true_purple_rate = true_purple_rate + true_rate
		table.insert(unique_loot, {item = v.item, chance = true_rate / team_size, price = gePrice(v.item)})
	table.insert(unique_loot, {item = "Tumeken's guardian", chance = points / pet_denominator / team_size, price = nil})
	table.insert(unique_loot, {item = "Clue scroll (elite)", chance = points / elite_clue_denominator / team_size, price = nil})
	return {
		purple = true_purple_rate,
		pet = points / pet_denominator,
		unique_loot = unique_loot,
		normal_loot = normal_loot,
		normal_loot_description = description

function p.calculator(raid_level, team_size, path_invocation, walk_the_path, leagues_harder_mode) 
	if raid_level > 600 and not leagues_harder_mode then
		return "What? How are you doing a level " .. tostring(raid_level) .." raid?\n\nHow is that possible? Is this bug abuse?"
	local points_breakdown = p.estimate_points(raid_level, team_size, path_invocation, walk_the_path)
	local rewards_breakdown = p.get_rewards(, raid_level, team_size, leagues_harder_mode)
	preamble = string.format(
[[With no deaths, this raid will give approximately '''%s''' contribution points%s. With a raid level of '''%s''', this equates to a '''%.4f%%''' chance of receiving a purple drop%s, and a '''%.4f%%''' chance of receiving the pet%s.

This estimate is not exact, and may not match your true point total for various reasons, including:
* Deaths (the penalty for deaths cannot feasibly be estimated because it depends on how far you've gotten in the raid)
* Walk the Path levelling order (this assumes the order is Ba-Ba, Kephri, Zebak, Akkha – different orders may result in very marginally different average points)
* Higher or lower healing from Kephri's shields than estimated (this assumes that the shields mostly regenerate both times, but in good teams they may not, resulting in faster kills but ~2%% fewer total points)
* Additional P2 Warden cycles (this assumes "2-down", but "3-down" results in about 3%% more total points)
* Challenge room trap failures
* Precision loss due to integer truncation in RuneScript (estimated 0.5-1%% point loss)
If you are doing this type of raid repeatedly, try comparing the estimated normal loot to the amount you actually tend to receive. For example, if you are consistently getting 10%% fewer coins than predicted here, your purple chance and pet chance will also be 10%% lower than predicted.]],
		(team_size > 1) and " for the entire team" or "",
		 100 * rewards_breakdown.purple,
		(team_size > 1) and " across the entire team" or "",
		100 *,
		(team_size > 1) and " across the entire team" or "",
		(team_size > 1) and  "\nFor computing average loot in the sections, group raids assume that all contribution is split evenly among the team, and chances are shown '''per person'''.\n" or ""
	local reward_table = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable')
	local reward_table_data = {}
	local total_value = 0
	table.insert(reward_table_data, {{tag='th', text="Item", attr={colspan=2}}, {tag = 'th', text = "Chance"}, {tag = 'th', text = "Value"}})
	for _, v in ipairs(rewards_breakdown.unique_loot) do
		total_value = total_value + v.chance * (v.price or 0)
		table.insert(reward_table_data, {
			{text = string.format("[[File:%s.png|center|link=%s]]", v.item, v.item)},
			{text = string.format("[[%s]]", v.item)},
			{text = string.format("%.4f%%", 100 * v.chance)},
			{text = v.price and coins(v.price) or "N/A", class=v.price and "" or "table-na", css={["text-align"] = "center"}}
	table.insert(reward_table_data, {{attr={colspan=3}, text="Expected value", tag='th'}, {text=coins(math.floor(total_value)), tag='th'}})
	tables._table(reward_table, reward_table_data)
	local normal_loot_table = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable')
	local normal_loot_table_data = {}
	total_value = 0
	table.insert(normal_loot_table_data, {{tag='th', text="Item", attr={colspan=2}}, {tag = 'th', text = "Quantity"}, {tag = 'th', text = "Value"}})
	for _, v in ipairs(rewards_breakdown.normal_loot) do
		total_value = total_value + v.price * v.quantity * 3/27
		table.insert(normal_loot_table_data, {
			{text = string.format("[[File:%s.png|center|link=%s]]", v.item, v.item)},
			{text = string.format("[[%s]]", v.item)},
			{text = lang:formatNum(v.quantity)},
			{text = coins(math.floor(v.quantity * v.price))}	
	table.insert(normal_loot_table_data, {{attr={colspan=3}, text="Expected value (3 rolls)", tag='th'}, {text=coins(math.floor(total_value)), tag='th'}})
	tables._table(normal_loot_table, normal_loot_table_data)
	local points_table = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable')
	local points_table_data = {}
	table.insert(points_table_data, {{tag='th', text="Type"}, {tag = 'th', text = "Est. damage"}, {tag = 'th', text = "Multiplier"}, {tag = 'th', text = "Est. points"}})
	for _, v in ipairs(points_breakdown.points_table) do
		local name =
		if v.count then
			name = string.format("%s (%sx)", name, v.count)

		local row = {{text = name}}
		if v.hp then
			local damage = lang:formatNum(v.hp)
			if v.approx then
				damage = string.format("~%s", damage)	
			table.insert(row, {text = damage})
			table.insert(row, {text = v.mult})
			table.insert(row, {text = "N/A", attr={colspan=2}, class="table-na", css={["text-align"] = "center"}})
		local points = 0
		if v.points then
			points = v.points
			points = math.floor(v.hp * v.mult * (v.count or 1))
		table.insert(row, {text = lang:formatNum(points)})
		table.insert(points_table_data, row)
	local label = "Est. total points"
	if team_size > 1 then
		label = "Est. total points (entire team)"
	table.insert(points_table_data, {{attr={colspan=3}, text=label, tag='th'}, {text=lang:formatNum(, tag='th'}})
	tables._table(points_table, points_table_data)	
	return preamble 
		.. "\n==Average rewards per person==\n" .. tostring(reward_table) 
		.. "\n===Normal loot===\n" .. rewards_breakdown.normal_loot_description .. "\n" .. tostring(normal_loot_table)
		.. "\n==Point estimation==\n" .. tostring(points_table)
return p