Infernal max cape: Difference between revisions

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|version1 = Normal
|version2 = Broken
|name1 = MaxInfernal max cape
|name2 = MaxInfernal max cape (broken)
|image1 = [[File:MaxInfernal max cape.png]]
|image2 = [[File:MaxInfernal max cape (broken).png]]
|members = Yes
|tradeable = No
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|options1 = Wear, Teleports, Features, Destroy
|options2 = Drop
|examine1 = The broken cape worn by only the most experienced players.
|examine2 = A broken Max cape.Unknown
|value1 = 99000
|value2 = 0
|alchable = No
|weight1 = -4.0.4
|weight2 = 0.0
Line 35:
|version1 = Normal
|version2 = Broken
|astabastab1 = 0+4
|aslashastab2 = 0
|acrushaslash1 = 0+4
|amagicaslash2 = 0
|arangeacrush1 = 0+4
|dstab1acrush2 = +90
|amagic1 = +1
|amagic2 = 0
|arange1 = +1
|arange2 = 0
|dstab1 = +20
|dstab2 = 0
|dslash1 = +920
|dslash2 = 0
|dcrush1 = +920
|dcrush2 = 0
|dmagic1 = +920
|dmagic2 = 0
|drange1 = +920
|drange2 = 0
|strstr1 = 0+8
|str2 = 0
|rstr = 0
|mdmg = 0
|prayer1 = +46
|prayer2 = 0
|slot = cape
|image1image = [[File:MaxInfernal max cape equipped male.png|130px]]
|image2altimage = [[File:Infernal max cape equipped malefemale.png|130px]]
|altimage1 = [[File:Max cape equipped female.png|130px]]
|altimage2 = [[File:Infernal max cape equipped female.png|130px]]