The Crystal key can be used to open the Crystal chest.
Examine A mysterious key for a mysterious chest. Tradeable Yes Equipable No Stackable No Noteable Yes Options Drop Value 150 coins Alchemy Not alchemisable Weight 0 kg Last price [1] 27,290 coinsItem ID ? (edit)
Shops Rewards
Common Drops
High Alch
Clue box 1 Common 31,294 6
Ruby bolt tips 30 Common 16,440 1,200
Rune full helm 1 Common 20,793 21,120
Rune platebody 1 Common 38,659 39,000
Rune kiteshield 1 Common 32,298 32,640
Rune platelegs 1 Common 37,987 38,400
Rune plateskirt 1 Common 38,025 38,400
Rune boots 1 Common 7,311 7,500
Rune chainbody 1 Common 29,681 30,000
Rune crossbow 1 Common 9,852 9,720
Ring of recoil 1 Common 1,005 540
Manta ray 50 Common 53,950 6,000
Raw swordfish 50 Common 17,600 2,400
Runite bar 5 Common 62,360 15,000
Runite ore 10 Common 111,880 19,200
Grimy avantoe 10 Common 24,310 100
Grimy cadantine 10 Common 15,920 130
Grimy dwarf weed 10 Common 9,970 140
Grimy guam leaf 20 Common 160 140
Grimy harralander 20 Common 10,000 180
Grimy irit leaf 10 Common 10,810 100
Uncut diamond 20 Common 216,000 2,400
Uncut emerald 20 Common 84,000 600
Uncut ruby 25 Common 170,000 1,500
Uncut sapphire 30 Common 78,000 450
Tan cavalier 1 Common 3,650 120
Wooden shield (g) 1 Common 148,581 12
Bolt rack 500 Common 32,500 15,000
Dark cavalier 1 Common 3,016 120
Black cavalier 1 Common 24,028 120
Black beret 1 Common 44,242 48
Red headband 1 Common 4,286 24
Pirate's hat 1 Common 10,573 108
Brown headband 1 Common 1,453 24
Shark 1 Common 984 102
Monkey nuts 1 Common 253 1
Left eye patch 1 Common 9,505 1
Right eye patch 1 Common 84 1
Uncommon Drops
High Alch
Ruby bolts (e) 30 Uncommon 10,620 2,460
Bandos coif 1 Uncommon 36,813 1,200
Bandos d'hide body 1 Uncommon 92,544 7,800
Bandos chaps 1 Uncommon 63,272 3,600
Bandos bracers 1 Uncommon 22,762 2,400
Armadyl coif 1 Uncommon 49,284 1,200
Armadyl d'hide body 1 Uncommon 172,234 7,800
Armadyl chaps 1 Uncommon 160,375 3,600
Armadyl bracers 1 Uncommon 55,823 2,400
Zamorak full helm 1 Uncommon 103,468 21,120
Zamorak platebody 1 Uncommon 44,800 39,000
Zamorak platelegs 1 Uncommon 51,863 38,400
Saradomin full helm 1 Uncommon 42,609 21,120
Saradomin platebody 1 Uncommon 47,976 39,000
Saradomin platelegs 1 Uncommon 47,924 38,400
Guthix full helm 1 Uncommon 22,889 21,120
Guthix platebody 1 Uncommon 39,618 39,000
Guthix platelegs 1 Uncommon 39,446 38,400
Rune scimitar 1 Uncommon 15,149 15,360
Rune 2h sword 1 Uncommon 38,005 38,400
Dragon med helm 1 Uncommon 59,258 60,000
Dragon sq shield 1 Uncommon 302,396 300,000
Dragon plateskirt 1 Uncommon 161,312 162,000
Dragon dagger 1 Uncommon 17,622 18,000
Dragon scimitar 1 Uncommon 59,542 60,000
Dragon longsword 1 Uncommon 59,544 60,000
Dragon mace 1 Uncommon 29,640 30,000
Dragon battleaxe 1 Uncommon 118,918 120,000
Warrior helm 1 Uncommon 47,023 36,000
Archer helm 1 Uncommon 43,550 36,000
Farseer helm 1 Uncommon 36,838 36,000
Helm of neitiznot 1 Uncommon 31,239 30,000
Dragon scimitar ornament kit 1 Uncommon 2,296,645 3,000
Ancient staff 1 Uncommon 79,944 60,000
Ancient robe top 1 Uncommon 45,570 4,200
Ancient robe legs 1 Uncommon 57,481 4,200
Ancient cloak 1 Uncommon 39,230 1,200
Ancient crozier 1 Uncommon 5,923 3,000
Ancient mitre 1 Uncommon 36,421 3,000
Ancient bracers 1 Uncommon 13,453 2,400
Ancient d'hide body 1 Uncommon 84,620 7,800
Ancient chaps 1 Uncommon 65,453 3,600
Ancient coif 1 Uncommon 36,713 1,200
Book of war 1 Uncommon Not sold N/A
Book of law 1 Uncommon Not sold N/A
Book of darkness 1 Uncommon Not sold N/A
Saradomin bracers 1 Uncommon 16,390 2,400
Saradomin d'hide body 1 Uncommon 281,155 7,800
Saradomin chaps 1 Uncommon 147,516 3,600
Saradomin coif 1 Uncommon 44,977 1,200
Zamorak bracers 1 Uncommon 56,263 2,400
Zamorak d'hide body 1 Uncommon 307,178 7,800
Zamorak chaps 1 Uncommon 222,126 3,600
Zamorak coif 1 Uncommon 41,896 1,200
Guthix bracers 1 Uncommon 8,563 3,600
Guthix d'hide body 1 Uncommon Not sold 7,800
Guthix chaps 1 Uncommon 63,618 3,600
Guthix coif 1 Uncommon 37,707 1,200
Zamorak crozier 1 Uncommon 6,246 3,000
Zamorak cloak 1 Uncommon 98,898 1,200
Tzhaar-ket-em 1 Uncommon 194,068 18,000
Tzhaar-ket-om 1 Uncommon 196,889 30,000
Hood of darkness 1 Uncommon 139,849 6,000
Robe top of darkness 1 Uncommon 281,360 72,000
Gloves of darkness 1 Uncommon 95,225 6,000
Robe bottom of darkness 1 Uncommon 199,456 48,000
Boots of darkness 1 Uncommon 81,281 6,000
Rare Drops
High Alch
Brown partyhat 1 Rare 1,000,000 0
Brown h'ween mask 1 Rare 1,000,000 0
Brown santa hat 1 Rare 1,000,000 0
Excalibur 1 Rare Not sold N/A
Gilded hasta 1 Rare 182,454 12,480
Dragon defender ornament kit 1 Rare 3,084,008 3,000
Uncut dragonstone 1 Rare 89,000 600
Uncut onyx 1 Rare 1,000,000 120,000
Dragon spear 1 Rare 37,352 37,440
Dragon 2h sword 1 Rare 135,967 132,000
Raw dark crab 100 Rare 111,400 19,500
Dragon bones 100 Rare 275,600 9,600
Lava dragon bones 75 Rare 970,500 6,750
Abyssal whip 1 Rare 1,958,166 72,000
Fury ornament kit 1 Rare 2,128,648 3,000
Spirit shield 1 Rare 103,574 42,000
Enchanted robe 1 Rare 53,750 48,000
Enchanted top 1 Rare 86,605 72,000
Enchanted hat 1 Rare 12,841 9,000
Infinity top 1 Rare 4,595,336 84,000
Infinity hat 1 Rare 3,768,757 10,200
Infinity boots 1 Rare 1,044,518 7,200
Infinity gloves 1 Rare 1,842,746 7,200
Infinity bottoms 1 Rare 4,888,323 54,000
Very Rare Drops
High Alch
Cutthroat flag 1 Very rare 2,000,000 120
Gilded smile flag 1 Very rare Not sold N/A
Bronze fist flag 1 Very rare 2,000,000 180
Lucky shot flag 1 Very rare 2,000,000 240
Treasure flag 1 Very rare 2,000,000 300
Phasmatys flag 1 Very rare 2,000,000 360
Blue tricorn hat 1 Very rare 1,000,000 30
Blue naval shirt 1 Very rare 2,000,000 60
Blue navy slacks 1 Very rare 1,500,000 60
Green tricorn hat 1 Very rare 1,000,000 30
Green naval shirt 1 Very rare 2,000,000 60
Green navy slacks 1 Very rare 1,500,000 60
Red tricorn hat 1 Very rare 1,000,000 30
Red naval shirt 1 Very rare 2,000,000 60
Red navy slacks 1 Very rare 1,500,000 60
Brown tricorn hat 1 Very rare 1,000,000 30
Brown naval shirt 1 Very rare 2,000,000 60
Brown navy slacks 1 Very rare 1,500,000 60
Black tricorn hat 1 Very rare 1,000,000 30
Black naval shirt 1 Very rare 2,000,000 60
Black navy slacks 1 Very rare 1,500,000 60
Purple tricorn hat 1 Very rare 1,000,000 30
Purple naval shirt 1 Very rare 2,000,000 60
Purple navy slacks 1 Very rare 1,500,000 60
Grey tricorn hat 1 Very rare 1,000,000 30
Grey naval shirt 1 Very rare 2,000,000 60
Grey navy slacks 1 Very rare 1,500,000 60
^ "Last average price" . RuneRealm . "This price is a weighted average based on actual purchases on the in-game auction, however the wiki's prices only get updated from in-game changes every few days."