/* =============================
Source editor changes ============================== */
/* Pop-up UI modal when selecting an image/link/ref This should change all possible modals everywhere on the wiki, including Source Lots of !important so don't need to be so specific
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.ui-dialog, .ui-widget-content { background-color: @dark-infobox-background; border-color: @dark-infobox-border; background-image: none; color: @dark-text;
.ui-dialog-titlebar.ui-widget-header { background-image: none !important; background-color: @dark-infobox-header !important; border-color: @dark-infobox-border !important; }
// Title text in dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar .ui-dialog-title { color: @dark-text; }
// Close button. Currently covered up by existing dark mode things .ui-dialog-titlebar-close { background-color: @dark-infobox-background;
// Close button hover. Unclear if color does anything here &:hover { background: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; color: @dark-links-lighter; border: none; }
// Actual close button X .ui-icon-closethick { background: url() no-repeat 50% 50% !important; } } }
.wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog {
.wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper {
label {
color: @dark-text;
input { background: @dark-infobox-background; border: 1px solid @dark-infobox-border; color: @dark-text; border-radius: 3px; }
select { background: @dark-infobox-background; border: 1px solid @dark-infobox-border; color: @dark-text; border-radius: 3px; } }
/* Bottom pane */ .ui-dialog-buttonpane { background-image: none !important; background-color: @dark-infobox-header !important; color: @dark-text; border-color: @dark-infobox-border !important; }
/* Bottom buttons */ .ui-dialog-buttonset button { background-color: @dark-infobox-background !important; background-image: none !important; color: @dark-text; border-color: @dark-infobox-border !important;
/* Bottom buttons hover */ &:hover { background: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter !important; color: @dark-links-lighter; } }
/* Broken link text */ #wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status, /* Text in table preview */ .wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-wrapper { color: @dark-text; } }
/** Source editor **/ // Add border to top and middle boxes .wikiEditor-ui { .wikiEditor-ui-view, .wikiEditor-ui-top { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; } }
// Toolbar: Very first bar at the top .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar {
background-color: @dark-wikitable-background; color: @dark-text; border-color: @dark-wikitable-border;
// lighter progressive icons
.oo-ui-iconElement-icon.oo-ui-image-progressive { filter: brightness(1.5); }
// What are these elements?? .oo-ui-popupToolGroup-handle:hover, .oo-ui-popupToolGroup.oo-ui-popupToolGroup-active > .oo-ui-popupToolGroup-handle { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; }
// When clicking the crayon, new menu, customize .oo-ui-toolGroup-tools.oo-ui-clippableElement-clippable { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; background-color: @dark-wikitable-background;
// Main element .oo-ui-tool-name-editModeVisual { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background;
&:hover { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; }
// Source button .oo-ui-tool-name-editModeSource { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter;
.oo-ui-tool-title { color: @dark-links-lighter; }
.tabs { // Some links were hard-coded > a, > a:visited { color: @dark-links; } a { &.current, &.current:visited { color: @dark-text; }
// Arrow icons beside the tabs &:before { filter: invert(1); }
/* Button colors */
// Border between the buttons
.group { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border;
// "Heading" dropdown menu in advanced toolbar .tool-select { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background; border-color: @dark-wikitable-border;
.label:after { filter: invert(1); }
.options { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border;
.option:hover { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; color: @dark-links-lighter; } }
.option { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background; color: @dark-links; }
.group-search { border-left-color: @dark-wikitable-border; }
.page-table { td { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; color: @dark-text; }
th { color: @dark-text; } }
/* Normal editor button colors */
// Advanced tab .sections {
// border above the box .section { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; } // Specifically the advanced tab .toolbar { // "Format" and "Insert" labels .group > .label { color: @dark-text; }
// Links a { color: @dark-links; }
// "Heading" label text .tool > .label { color: @dark-text; }
// Special characters and help tabs .booklet {
// Selected item in scrolling list .index > .current { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; color: @dark-links-lighter; }
> .index > :hover { background-color: darken(@dark-wikitable-background-lighter, 5%); color: @dark-links-lighter; }
// Text inside the button/characters .page-characters div span { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background; border-color: lighten(@dark-wikitable-border, 10%); color: @dark-text;
// On hover of those characters &:hover { color: @dark-links-lighter; border-color: lighten(@dark-wikitable-border, 5%); }
.mw-editform { // Bottom box (under text box) .editOptions { color: @dark-text; background-color: @cloud-burst; border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; } }
ACE editor changes
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// Numbers plus middle .ace_editor {
// Numbers .ace_gutter { background: @dark-wikitable-background; color: @dark-text;
&-cell { color: @dark-text; } }
// Search & Replace .ace_search { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background; color: @dark-text; border-color: @waikawa-grey;
// "Search for" and replace fields .ace_search_field { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; border-color: @dark-wikitable-border;
// Placeholder text color. Just in case, support all browsers. &::placeholder { /* Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari 10.1+ */ color: @dark-text; }
&::-ms-input-placeholder { /* Microsoft Edge */ color: @dark-text; }
// Buttons next to search boxes .ace_searchbtn { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; color: @dark-text;
// < > arrows &::after { border-color: @dark-text; }
// All buttons hover action &:hover { background-color: lighten(@dark-wikitable-background-lighter, 5%); }
// Close button &_close:hover { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; color: @dark-text; }
// Buttons at the bottom left and bottom right .ace_button { color: @dark-text; border-color: lighten(@dark-wikitable-border, 25%);
// Hover action to show where you're at &:hover { background-color: @dark-wikitable-background-lighter; }
// When checked, make sure it looks checked .ace_button.checked { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; background-color: lighten(@dark-wikitable-background, 10%); }
// Status bar under text box in the middle .codeEditor-status { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; background-color: @dark-wikitable-background; }
.codeEditor-status-message { border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; }
.CodeMirror-gutters { background-color: @pickled-bluewood; border-color: @dark-wikitable-border; }
.CodeMirror-linenumber { color: @dark-text; }
/* --------------------------
CodeMirror vars -------------------------- */
@codemirror-background: @cloud-burst; @codemirror-text-color: @dark-text; @codemirror-selection-color: @portage; @codemirror-bracket-matcher-background: @dark-wikitable-background;
// Import style sheet @import '@{dir}/darksyntax.less';
/* ===========================
source editor without CodeMirror turned on =========================== */
.mw-editform #wpTextbox1 { color: @dark-text; background: @cloud-burst; border-color: @big-stone; }
//edit tools .mw-editTools {
select { &#std-preload-list { background-color: @ooui-input; border: 1px solid @ooui-input-border; color: @ooui-text; } }
input { &#cust-preload-input { background-color: @ooui-input; border: 1px solid @ooui-input-border; color: @ooui-text; padding: 2px 1px; }
&#cust-preload-button { background-color: @ooui-normal; border: 1px solid @ooui-normal-border; border-left: none; color: @ooui-text; padding: 2px 7px; cursor: pointer;
&:hover { background-color: @ooui-normal--hover; border: 1px solid @ooui-normal-border--hover; border-left: none; } } } }